Tears, T*ts and Tunsia

well having been told I need the mastectomy on one breast I booked a swift week away with my 8 year old, my friend and her two daughters to Tunsia. We went for a week, blew a small fortune in a fabulous 5 star hotel and had a brilliant week in the sun. On the last day before we came home I was daft enough to fall for handsome waiter ( 13 years my junior, at just 25) … on my last afternoon there, my friend kept an eye on my daughter while I slipped off to the beach for a swim with aforementioned ‘man’ … the warm meditarranean sea… the sun beating down… and my arms entwined with Tunsian lovely - do you know what? I actually FORGOT about my situation with my impending op. It was the perfect medicine. WHen I got home I was fully expecting the letter with proposed date for the op waiting - I was told it would be carried out mid August, you see. However no letter was waiting… the tunisian man phoned every day… and for 6 weeks I have been in tears every evening after work - whether its because I had a little bit of much missed romance or whether i realised the much longed for holiday was over and now I have to get on with being brave etc or whether I am just a bit of a nutcase at the moment I dont know . Anyway I found out I have the dreaded 7 hour mastecomy and recon booked for 22nd Sept… another 6 weeks to wait … so what did I do? blew the credit card to go back at the end of this month… Is this my subconcious way of ‘running away’’ mentally from the situ or have I completely lost my marbles? did my sense of being sensible get removed when I had the tumour taken out? ( either way - havent cried since booking it 3 days ago) Anyway… I just thought Id post this little update ( ramblings of a late thirties saddo) as I havent been on the site in ages… My way of coping is to stick my head ( or my feet) in the sand at the moment and just block it all out … I should imagine on return from my week in Tunisia I will really have to face up to whats ahead… but until then… let the good times roll!!

seems I cant spell TUNISIA in amongst all this trauma, either!!

Where did you stay in Tunisia?
I’ve been about 5 times, although not recently.

Hi Magsi - I always go to Thalassa Monastir - however its fully booked for my next moment of madness trip - so going to another Skanes one. Where do you go?

Hammamet for my 18th (1972) then Sousse the following year.
Back to Hammamet for Honeymoon.
Then took my sons there twice once to hotel Nahrawess Hammanet and the other time to Hotel Sahara Beach Monastir. The last one was a cheap holiday but really good and we did the desert trip down to the sahara

I have heard some bad reports about Sahara Beach … its huge isnt it? I havent done the safari trip and Ive been 8 times in the last 6 years!! I always end up on the prirate boat which I enjoy and this year we did the ‘lights and lazers’ which was great. I am hoping this next trip will not be too emotional for me as I know it will be the last one with my poor boob!! Life is going to be tough for the next few months when we get back - but Im looking forward to spending a week just me and my little girl, before the ‘fun’ of arranging child care and all sorts of things to ensure all is covered for the op and recovery time etc . Anyone got any idea how long a reasonably fit 38 year old should take to recover from a diep flap recon op ?

Hi Jenny

I have posted below for you the link to BCC’s publication on breast reconstruction. You can either download a copy or order a free copy to be posted out to you. If you wish to discuss breast reconstruction or any other issue, our helpline staff will be only too happy to have a chat with you. The calls are free, lines open Mon - Fri 9am to 5pm and Sat 9am - 2pm. Tel. no 0808 800 6000. Hope this is all of some help to you.


Best wishes

hi just thought i would wish you luck. we went to tunisia for our honeymoon and stayed at monastir but then went back 5 years ago for our 25th and stayed all inclusive at port et kantoui that was gt. have a good hols take care. by way i had mastectomy and recon as well now starting herceptin but fighting to have it at home as dont like hospitals take care

hi sorry i just seen this post is really foryounger women iam fifty so sorry for butting in x

I have fond memories of the Sahara Beach Hotel when I was 17 and met a boy of 19… but that was now 20 yrs ago. Enjoy your time there, and thanks for bringing up a reminder of a far more pleasant care-free time


PS Jal you are not excluded from joining in because of your age, and congrats on 30yrs of marriage

Hi Jenny

I had a diep on 18th Sept last year and at end of October I was out and about at a Jazz weekend in Cork drinking guiness with the best of them and keeping up physically, no problems. Hope it goes ok, just be patient in the early days and don’t push yourself.

Take care and good luck.

Linda x

thank you for replying to my thread everyone… (all welcome - no matter what age!) I am hopefull that I, too will be drinking alhohol and living it up within a month of the surgery… but I cant see how this will happen with the tummy tuck and recon…( 7 hour op) cant imagine I will be up and about so fast - how long does everyone else generally take to recover ? ( I am 38 ) I have been told I have a C cup on my stomach… which doesnt sound as big as the muffin top it looks like … perhaps I should eat more to get the desired D cup to match the other one…
Anyway - i have been told by my docs that my frame of mind will help the recovery etc … Im finding it very hard to remain positive or happy about this whole thing - everytime I think about the op my toes curl, i screw my face up and shake my head to get rid of the thoughts… I am extremely frightened. I know that when I get back from Tunisia I will really start the panic etc… Im starting to loose my enthusiasm for my job because Im thinking about the op which isnt good as I was promoted to manager 4 months ago and really need to prove myself etc.
This time next week I will be landing in Monastir … the cabin doors will open and the rush of hot air will greet me as I step out of the plane… chirruping crickets will be heard and little Tunisian men will be handing me sprigs of Jasmine flowers and telling me I am a princess and they are in love with me after 3 minutes of polite conversation. I highly recommend Tunisia for a confidence boost!!!
I will report back after my trip…
PS - since my lumpectomy in April my breast has been fine - no pain etc but today I had twinges and slight stabbing sensation - is this normal??? or is the tumour returning before I have even had the preventative surgery? slightly panicked…

  • what a rambling message - think I am going slighly loopy…

OOOhhh I hope you have a right good time and meet up with that fella lol love Eileen


The twinges and stabbings are normal…honest. It’s just part of the body’s recovery. Sometimes my stabbings took my breath away! Try not to worry, and best of luck to you

just come back from a week in Tunisia - complete escapism… Stupidly let myself fall for Tunisian love god and am now pining for him on top of worrying about op on 22nd Sept!
makes me wonder if life is too short and I should just ship him over!!!

lol I told you my views on facebook last night…SHIP HIM OVER!!! xxxxx