Ten years on...

I was diagnosed on 1 October 2002 so this my 10th year of NED and finally had my reconstruction this year!
I went to my GP with an inverted nipple aged 47. He thought it looked a bit suspicios so sent me straight to the breast clinic at the hospital where I had immediate mammogram. Three weeks later had WLE but my surgeon was unable to get clear margins around the tumour, I had been told that there was only a ‘very, very slim chance’ of this happening. I had a mastectomy 2 weeks later followed by 4 rounds of AC chemo, 25 radiotherapy sessions. All followed by 8 1/2 years on Tamoxifen, Arimidex and finally Femara.
This year I finally had my reconstruction via a 2 flap TRAM operation in November, and I can honestly say I wish I had done it 3 years ago when I was first referred to my plastic surgeon. I am recovering really well and now that it is 7 weeks on my boob is softening and dropping so think I can imagine what my breasts will look like in about a years time when everything is finished, lift to good boob and nipple reconstruction.
Hope everyone manages to have a good Christmas, and thanks for all the encouragement and support that is offered by everyone on here.
Annette x

Dear Annette
Thanks for your positive story and congratulations being 10 years NED! Its great to hear a positive story! I am one year on from diagnosis and finsihed active treatment on 1st September so am now on Tamoxifen. Hopefully I will be able to share my 10 year anniversary in another 9 years!
Happy Christmas and best wishes for a Happy and healthy new year.
Joan xx

Great to hear your good news Annette. I’m 7 months post treatment but nothing else for me as I’m TN. I hope one day to be able to post 10 years!
Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year and many, many more to come.