I have no tenderness or swelling in my arm but my breast has become very tender, swollen and reddened- normal body temperature. Any ideas or advice? I have had 2 lots of prophylactic antibiotics with no effect. I have had surgery, chemo and radiotherapy that ceased end of April2010 My breast was very sore and swollen for 2 weeks then settled then this gradually developed after 2 weeks of normal breast -if anything my affected breast was a little smaller after the lumpectomy,am feeling v confused as to whether this is a late radiation syptom or breast lymphadenopathy without my arm or hand being affected - help
Hi flosweetie,
Sorry you’re having rough time. I got lymphoedema in my arm and later in my breast, I have a friend who got lymphoedema in her breast but not her arm, so that is a possibility. I’d suggest you see your BC nurse or someone at the breast clinic, GPs aren’t always very good at spotting lymphoedema.Your BC will probably be able to arrange a course of MLD, a type of massage to help lymph move. I wish you luck and hope you become more comfortable soon.
Hi there - my sympathy - I finished radiotherapy end Jan and have a very red hot unfeeling boob too! In my case it’s been put down to the rads, and basically get on with it - so keep us posted as to how you get on.