Tender underarms - both sides

Hi all

i have started feeling tender underarms (both side) the last few days. I have my second cycle of AC tomorrow. I have a grade 2 lump on my breast, lymph node ultrasounds were all clear (although those scans were about 7 weeks ago now) . No noticeable lumps. One spot on one side not sure if it’s from shaving or not, has anyone else experienced similar? 

Of course my mind is going in overdrive now thinking the cancer has spread to lymph nodes although weird it would be both underarms! I will mention to the nurse tomorrow and maybe try get in touch with my oncologist for a scan…


tender underams is often a bidy’s reaction to  some  viral/bacterial  infections or being run down. It is extremely unlikely in 7 weeks you will develop something and on the both(!) sides.

please rest and take good care



I had exactly this on and off during chemotherapy , the oncologist said it was just my body reacting to the chemo and he was right . It went after chemotherapy was completed . I had 8 cycles 

I asked other people that I got chatting to during treatment and we all had the same thing 

Obviously mention it to put your mind at rest but it’s not uncommon 


L x


For me personally my oncologist told me that has to do with nerves, and to let her know if it was getting worse.