Tense Wait!

Hi there,


I am new to the forum but my story is I had a Gastric Sleeve operation last year and have lost 7 stone.  I noticed recently my left nipple had “turned inside out” so told my GP.  She said she didnt think it was anything but referred me to the breast clinic anyway. At the clinic, they  took an history then did mammograms.  They told me the inside out nipple was fine, the lump the Consultant found  on my right breast was fine (didnt know I had a lump!) But I have calcifications on my right breast.  They took 2 biopsies there and then under ultra sound.  These were looked at while I was still in Clinic and I was told they were very concerned as the samples were “very suspicious” and booked me in for a core biopsy under mammogram.  I had this done Tuesday and ws told I needed to come back to clinic Wednesday.  A letter arrived confirming the appointment but for Friday so I rang as thought I would go completely mad if I had to wait another 2 days.  The Secertary told me theyt had had the results back and had just been discussing me.  She had cancelled Fridays appointment and booked one for TUESDAY - the last one of the day so they would have more time!!! so now I am even more worried than before and cannot concertrate on anything!

Dear welshcake1

Welcome to the forum but I’m sorry you find yourself in this worrying situation.  Waiting for test results is really difficult. 

You might find it helps to phone our Helpline to talk things over.  They’ll be open again at 9.00am tomorrow.  (the opening times are 9-5 on weekdays and 10-2 on Saturdays ).  The number is 0808 800 6000

Very best wishes


BCC Moderator

Hi, welshcake


Waiting is tough, but at least they’ve moved your date up so you should know one way or the other soon.


I will keep you in my thoughts. Good luck for Tuesday. Please let us know how you get on.



Back home at last. Afraid it wasn’t the news I wanted. I have DCIS (Ductal carcinoma in situ - grade 3 and a lymph node under my arm is malignant that means the cancer is currently non-invasive, it hasn’t developed the capability to spread and is contained in a duct and in the lymph node. Treatment is mastectomy which is booked for 4 July It isn’t know yet if radio or chemotherapy is needed, probably not, but the good news is it is fully treatable and they expect full, complete removal and recovery. My only question was how soon can you do it! Hence 4 July. Still feel a fraud as feel really well and no ill effects at all!

tomorrow after_n_oon I will be going into hos_pita_l ready for my mastectomy Friday morning.  Originally, they wanted me to go in Friday morning but after speaking to the Breast Care Nurse, we agreed it would be less stressful for me to go in to_morrow especially seen as we live an hour’s drive from the hospital_.  I must say that the Breast Care Nurse has been a God send, always at the end of the phone to listen to me. Thank you Rhian. x

I do hope your news is good, but if not at least you have done the sensible thing and gone to your doctor 

Hi all,

Not been on here for a few days, been busy with trips to and from hospital which is an hours drive away!  So far I have had to be drained 4 times.  Each of the first 3 times didnt hurt, they have taken off 400 mls, 150 mls, 150 mls then 120 mls so getting less but the last time, the nurse didnt put the needle into the scar/wound but went below it, that really hurt and I felt and heard it pop!  I met with the Oncologist and my first of 6 rounds of chemo start on 6 August.  This is the bit I have been dreading.  I’m getting FEC-T chemo.  The only good thing to look forward to is my chemo nurse is male and the lady oncologist said he is rather dishy, hahaha. I’ll let you know Tuesday as meeting him for bloods etc.  I will check out the other bits of the forum about chemo now I have my dates.  Does anyone know what MR is?  I have an appointment before my 2nd round of chemo and it states for M R and I can’t remember what she said it was!  There was quite a lot to take in.

Deb (welshcake1)