Terminal City

Terminal City

Terminal City Hi

Not sure if this is a hot topic but didn’t think it fitted into chit chat and fun either (well certainly chit chat but possibly not fun)

Just came across an account of a new(ish) series called Terminal City which was aired in the US in November 2005 - I found a trailer for it on the fantastic You Tube website whilst looking at home made videos posted by people who have or have had breast cancer.

Its about a woman who is diagnosed with BC whilst a reality tv show is shooting in the hospital, who then goes onto become the star of the show. The series records her ascent to fame and how she copes with the illness, impact on her family and the ins and outs of her family life in general. I’m quite intrigued by it, looks pretty glossy, bit desperate housewives from the trailer but I’d love to have the chance to watch a bit. I read it was pretty similar to 6 feet under in terms of humour. Anyone seen it?
