Hi all i am 21 and gave birth to a beautiful boy 18 days ago - i am breast feeding. I have to admit i havent been very breast aware before but before feeding i happened to feel my breast and to my horror found a massive hard round lump in the top of my breast not on the nipple the actual fatty bit. Its painless and very obvious. I went to my gp who examined me and told me not to touch it and to see her in A week. I have been in a right state as i am convinced its cancer and im not going to see my son grow up
The lump is 1cm across round, smooth, hard and doesnt move. I am really scared. x
Welcome to the Breast Cancer Care discussion forums. You’ve come to the right place for support, I’m sure the many informed users of this site will be along shortly to support you through this. You have done the right thing by contacting your GP and hopefully you will get this checked out pretty soon, but please do remember that most breast problems are not breast cancer so try not to worry unduly.
If you need someone to talk to in confidence please feel free to phone BCC’s helpline where you can talk to one of the staff here about your concerns. All the staff on the helpline are either breast care nurses or people who have personal experience of breast care issues. Calls to the helpline are free, lines open Mon to Fri 9am - 5pm and Saturdays 9am - 2pm, 0808 800 6000. I hope this helps.
hi funkyfish - when are you due to see the GP again then? There are so many different things it could be especially with you just having your baby and feeding etc - we never know about these things until we’re in the position though and the waiting is so hard its torture - if you GP refers you to a breast clinic they check alsorts of problems not just cancer and they are the best, I know thats not much help at the moment but just wanted to say something…take care, mary x
ps the helpline is really good…