Terrified of going to Breast clinic

Hi I am very new to this and wondered if anyone had been in a similar position. I discovered a lump on my breast, I went to the doctor and when he examined me he found another area of thickened tissue as well as the lump I had found this was only a week ago. I am going to clinic on Wednesday however I now have a substantial swelling a above my breast that is very hard similar to bone It is about an inch below my collar bone. Has anyone heard of this my mind is running away with all sorts. Any advice would really be helpful. Thanks in advance. Xxx

Hi jamjar10, welcome to the BCC forums where you will find support and shared experiences from your fellow users

Please also feel free to all our helpline for further practical and emotional support on 0808 800 6000, lines are open weekdays 9-5 and Saturday 10-2

The following link will take you to the BCC ‘Worried about breast cancer’ section of the site and you will find a publication containing information about what you can expect to happen at your breast clinic appointment:


Take care
Lucy BCC

Hi jamjar10,

First of all, you’ve done the right thing by going to your doctor and your referral has been nice and quick. It’s always important to get any lumps and bumps checked out.

With regards to the swelling you describe just below your collar bone, I’m afraid I have no idea what it is. However, from the way you’ve written it, it sounds like this has appeared quite quickly, which would lead me to think it’s something fairly simple, and not something to worry about. I’m no doctor, but cancers don’t tend to appear that quickly from what I know.

Try not to worry too much. It’s easier said than done , I know! Keep busy until you go for your appointment. Do what you can to keep your mind off it. These forums can be a great help, so when you need support, come on here. Even if you just want a good rant!

Good luck for Wednesday. I hope it all turns out to be ok for you. Best wishes, Mel. xxx

Hi jamjar10,

Best of luck for your appointment today. Xx