Terrified of recurrance

I have today found a really small lump about an inch from my scar and am terrified that it is a recurrence - it doesnt help that I had to stop rads after 2 sessions and it is now nearly 4 months since my surgery. Spoke to the BCN today and I have a planning appointment tomorrow to restart rads so have to get the oncologist to have a look and decide whether it needs further investigation. As much as I keep telling myself its a cyst or spot I feel like I did when I found the original lump and cant think of anything else. I get the feeling it is going to be a long night :frowning:


So sorry you are going through this. Hope you manage to get some sleep and got everything crossed for you for tomorrow. You will face it and deal with it whatever it is but here’s hoping it’s just a spot.Sending you a big cyber hug xx

Oh annew272,

Hoping everything goes well for you tomorrow, will be thinking of you, lots of hugs and sending you lots of positive vibes, fingers crossed too, take care xx

anne often if its beside the scar then its maybe just scar tissue but always wise to get these things checked out… good luck tomorrow

Well here I go - got a better nights sleep than expected. Just hoping he says I am being paranoid :slight_smile:


best of luck to you annew272, so glad you were able to sleep, let us know how you get on xx

Anne, i know exactly how you feel… i went to breast clinic yesterday after being refered by my onc… had a lump 6 months that i just thought was scar tissue, they however wernt convinced. because radiographer was off ill i couldnt have the ultrasound and biopsy my consultant ordered… was looking like a long wait till next week… the feeling is indescribable to anyone who hasnt been through it. I now go in the morning and am praying they will just be able to tell enough from the scan alone. I am thinking about you and praying that we both get the results we are praying for…hugs pauline x

Pauline I’m sorry iv not been keeping up to date hunny… Really sorry to hear you have more worries… The may 09 ladies seem to be having lots of worries and things at the mo… Fingers crossed it’s not anything serious and maybe just some fat necrosis.


Well doctor said it was superficial - got irritated at that comment and then said he thought it was a cyst in the skin - to let them know if it gets any bigger. He also looked at my last last CT scan that I had for planning for my radiotherapy and started talking over me about calcification to the raiologist and am I sure I havent had any surgery on the other side of my breast. I think I ended up coming out feeling worse


Anne I’m glad it was just a cyst but maybe you should speak to your Bcn and get to the bottom of their discussion over your head… Think you need a bit of clarification.


just letting you know, my ultrasound was normal and they did 3 biopsys just to be totally sure but they said that looked fine too… thursday next week for results but im so relieved… good luck everyone else waiting for results…sending you a hug xxx

Hi all,

I had my year 5 check up this afternoon and had hoped to be discharged from the clinic. The surgeon told me the mammo I had done in Oct was fine, but that he wanted to send me for an ultrasound as he thought the scar was a bit lumpy.

I’m really deflated as I’ve been waiting weeks for this appointment - I had one for 2 weeks back that was cancelled and rescheduled and I haven’t had an entire night’s sleep since the mammo was done. I also haven’t enjoyed Christmas for 6 years now (my dad died a year before I was diagnosed)and I was just hoping to leave the hospital happy. My OH said he was gobsmacked as he was so disappointed for me.

Hi Hollymeg, Hope your biopsy results are good and Cherub I’m really sorry you didnt get discharged and have to wait - that must be so frustrating, hopefully you wont have to wait too long for your appointment.

I had my first session of counselling yesterday which I was a bit unsure about, but after my reactions last week - I think it is going to be useful to get things sorted out a bit more in my head!


Anne, I had counselling at the end of my treatment as I couldn’t sleep, was suffering panic attacks and had no real cognitive function to speak of. I found seeing the psychologist attached to my breast clinic was of immense help and after 6 session of an hour each I felt like a new person. It gave me the confidence to get back on track again, I just took small steps but she helped me to do them by suggesting things I could work on between appointments. You have to work with the person who is giving the counselling and be able to get on with them though.

After a mastectomy three years ago and reconstruction a lump on the edge of the implant has been found. I am devastated and can’t wait to get this checked out just after xmas.think of me please

Hjd as one of those who had a new primary and then a recurrence I can empathise with you as it is a really worrying time… But fingers crossed it’s not a recurrence… But there is life after a recurrence too… Two of my friends had recurrences a year after treatment, one was about a year ago and the other was over 2 years ago and both are fine now and neither needed Chemo… One had mastectomy first time then needed a lumoectom and rads, the other had a wle and rads first time and needed an mx.

I will be thinking of you x

Hi hjd56

I’m sorry to read that you are having a pretty tough time at the moment. As well as the support you are receiving here you may find it helpful to give the BCC helpline a call on 0808 800 600. Here you can share your concerns and feelings with someone who will offer you emotional support as well as practical information. The free phone number is 0808 800 600 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9.00 to 5.00 and Saturday 9.00 to 2.00.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator


I had lumpectmy in Jan (left breast), total clearance in Feb (left armpit). Had rad and am on tamoxifen. Went for mammo on Mon and have been recalled for biopsies + further exlporation in right breast. Am worried sick. On my own with an 11 year old daughter. Anyone else has anything similar? I think you mentioned friends who had recurrence Lulu?

Hi, I have just been through something similar. Original cancer in left breast and after a routine mamo was recalled. It turns out that I have micro califications on my right side. At my most recent mamo they thought there had been some changes in the micro califications so they ordered a biopsy. After a tough couple of weeks it turns out all is clear. Try not to get ahead of yourself - not easy I know. It has been my experience if there is anything doubtful they follow-up which is good but it does mean you are continually haunted by what ifs and appts. So hang in there. I have asked for an appt to see a plastic surgeon to talk about having a mx as I don’t know if I can do the 6mth follow-ups they are insisting. I have been called back after each one!
Good luck.