I had a mastectomy in december followed by four months of chemo and now having radiotherapy. In january i was told by the consultant that they had seen something in my other breast which could possibly be scar tissue from an operation a few years ago, he said then they would check in six months again. I had an mri scan on this breast two weeks ago and today i had a ohone call askingme to go and see the consultant next wednesday. Well of course I went into a panic and started imagining all sorts of things. I have been told by someone that they had check ups every six months and I am tring to convince myself that is what it is. I will be on edge till wednesday. I am hopingyou can all help me to calm down. I don’tknow whether to phonethebreast care nurse butI always feel they will think I am worrying about nothing. Sorry I must sound really sorry for myself.
Izzy you sound totally normal!! Completely get why you feel like this. I would call the nurse. Mine have always been brilliant. They are there to support you with practical and emotional advice.
I would guess with your history consultant would want to see you to see discuss results regardless of what they are. Waiting is so so hard, thinking positive for you. X
Not a problem, hope appt goes well xx
Hello issy46. I am guessing that by now you have seen the consultant. I hope it was all good. Thinking of you. Take care xxx
We all got the gold star in worrying. This bloody cancer has left that scar. I hope it all turns out to be nothing for u. What they say build that wall block out negative thoughts. Yeah right. Do what u can to get thro until u get ur results in it. I presume u have ur results by now.