
Hi  I am 64 I went to the hospital yesterday and they took blood from a lump and then gave me two mammograms on each breast. I then had a scan and it was found to be a large lump of 4cm and was told that it is probably cancerous.  They took a biopsy of the lump and also two lymph nodes were swollen.  They also think the other breast has suspicious things in and so six biopsies.  it was painful.  I can’t think past this at the moment.  I have to wait until next week to get the news of what is going to be done and if the cancer has spread. Any support would be great.



Aww sheila keep positive…must admit I’m finding it very hard at times …there’s lots of support on here…my cancer journey started on the 15th October from finding the indent and had the op 3 weeks ago to remove the cancer and reconstruct the breast…got told the results last week that the cancer was all removed and lymph nodes clear…seeing oncologist on tuesday to see if chemo or just radiotherapy needed I’m 41

Hello Sheilab,

I’m so sorry you find yourself here but welcome to the forum where you’ll find lots of support and advice. It’s always a terrible shock to get the news that you may have cancer and the worst part is the waiting for results. Thankfully you will not have too long to wait - I had to wait three weeks for my results - and it was very hard. However as soon as you know what your treatment plan will be (if it is cancer) you will feel more in control. I was told this and didn’t believe it but it’s true. Everyone on here will tell you the same - that the waiting is the worst part of the whole thing. Try to keep yourself as busy as you can as this helps with the anxiety and look after yourself.  I hope you have good news - and please come here to talk whenever you need to.  Best Wishes x Lily

Hi Sheila,

It is a huge shock to be told that you have cancer, but we are lucky that these days breast cancer is treated very successfully and new treatments are coming out all the time. I was diagnosed aged 49 in February and following a lumpectomy and radiotherapy, I am now on Tamoxifen and those early months are just a memory.  I had many days when I would cry at the drop of a hat and sometimes it was all just too overwhelming, but I got through it and you will do too.  I think we all amaze ourselves at some point by just how strong and resilient we really are.  There will be light at the end of the tunnel, I promise, you just can’t see it yet.  Don’t be afraid to have bad days when it all gets too much, you are human afterall!  Once you get your treatment plan in place you will feel better (honest!) as you will be doing something to get rid of it. The waiting for results is very hard, I know. I hope you, and all the other ladies currently going through this anxious time, get all the love and support you need from those around you and I wish you all the very best as you move forward in your treatment.  Michelle xx

Hi Sheila. Exactly a month ago yesterday I was told that I almost certainly had cancer and had to wait a week and a half for initial results. This part is absolutely the worst. Can I just say that there’s loads you’ll find out here. Swollen lymph nodes doesn’t definitely mean it’s gone there and more importantly even if it is in the nodes it doesn’t mean it’s spread anywhere else. Lymph nodes can be dealt with. I promise this gets easier x

Hi Sheilab,
I found my lump on 12th Nov - was told it was cancer when I went for the mammogram, biopsy & ultra sound on the 19th, had it confirmed on the 29th Nov. It was grade 3 aggressive & the lump was 3.7cm & I had one enlarged node.
After a horrible waiting time, I was told the node was clear, then after a CT scan that it hadn’t spread. It’s the worse time while you are waiting, but come on here and rage away & we will be here for you.

Hi Sheila 

So sorry youve found yourself on here but it is an amazing support and really does help you to ask questions or just chat . 

I sympathise completely over the biopsies I only had two and hated both , I felt so vulnerable aswell . So to undergo as many as you have had I think you have been very brave .I was told by a lady that she felt nothing after the biopsies is as bad and so far I can second that . I appreciate that may not be everyones opinion though .

Anyway as already stated by the other ladies the waiting for results is awful  , but  once plan is  in place as mad as it may sound you should  feel more in control and less anxious . I really do wish you luck and Im sending you big hugs xxx


Hi Sheila

So sorry you are also going through this period in life.  I was diagnosed on 25 November on one area and had to have another biopsy on suspicious second area.  Second area was benign thankfully.  I am also under gynae and although no cancer there it has been suggested ovary removal after this episode with breast! The waiting for results is an extremely anxious time with the ‘what if’ scenario but once your results are through and a plan in place it is easier.  I have my pre-op on Wednesday ready for surgery on 28 December.  I have now picked up a cold/cough/sickness bug and worry it will delay treatment though I do think the sickness may be due to worry … but this period of waiting for treatment is easier to handle … so be strong now and do look to this forum for support … the ladies are great!  BTW I am 56.

Hi Pam,
I have had the results now and have breast cancer in the left breast and some lymph nodes are affected. I have to have another special mammogram for the right breast to check again. I am seeing my Oncologist on the 4th Jan and starting a six course every three weeks of Chemo, plus a CAT scan. This frightens me the most as I keep dreaming it has spread throughout my body. Irrational I know. I am so glad you are clear and can start moving forwards. I will have an op around June and hopefully get my head back to normal. Let me know how you are doing. Sheila

Hi Michelle,
Thanks for your support. The plan is coming together. I get good days, but today is a bad one. I am not looking forward to Chemo and losing my hair. Also hate the thought of a CAT Scan. I am taking Tumeric and vitamin E. lots of good stories from Tumeric on google. It can’t hurt to add it to the diet. Have a good Christmas. Sheila

Hi Kim,
So sorry you feel unwell. You just want it over with and get on with the treatment. Keep smiling when you can.

zHi Sheilab,


just thought id share a little of my history…I had a mastectomy for a large tumur(8x7cms) in January 2001.


After that, they told me I had 12/13 Lymph nodes involved! It was a real shock and I was very scared and worried about spread.


I had chemo pre op, and then post op, rads etc, and had letrozole.


I then had about 10 years cancer free.!  I hope that  helps a lttle…since it came back, I


have been leading a pretty normal life.  Hope you are having a good Christmas,


try not to worry…I know its hardxx





Hi Moijan
Thanks for your comments. I am sorry I didn’t reply sooner as not felt at all well as had my first Chemo on 20th Jan. The good news was the CT was clear but do have a few lymph nodes affected. The cancer I have can be treated and the tumour has gone to half the size already. Also after a special mammo on the other breast they found precancerous cells. It hurt like hell but so glad they found it early. I feel lucky about this.

Did you have a mastectomy? I am so sorry your cancer has returned, are they able to give you treatment to stop it spreading?

One question did you have dizzy spells and palpitations with your Chemo? . I also have low blood pressure. This is more scary than the cancer as sometimes feel that I may have a heart attack. sheilab.

Lots of hugs to you. Let me know how you are getting on. X

Thanks Kim. I had my first Chemo on 20th Feb. Felt like dying with all the side effects in one go, but getting there. Sorry I didn’t reply earlier I have just felt so low, sick and dizzy. Hope all is well with you. Sheilab x

Hi Kim. Thanks for your support. I really appreciate it. I have cancer in the left breast with a few lymph nodes and they found a different kind in right breast that is just pre-cancer cells. . Scan was clear but a kidney stone and gallstone to add to everything else. The cancer I have is common and treatable. I have had first Chemo on 20th Feb. I was so down that I found it hard to talk about. I have had every side effect going but hanging in there. Timor has gone down already. Hope all goes well with you. Let me know if you are ok after your op. X

Thanks Steph. I did have cancer in my left breast and precancerous cells in my right. I am so lucky it was found as could have come out any time. Had first Chemo and still reeling from side effects. The worst yet has been the Hickman line, which really hurt.
Really appreciate your words. I was not able to reply as felt too low. Coming up now with more fight and acceptance. Sheila

Thanks Emily.
I do have cancer in the left breast with lymph involvement by a treatable one. Also thank goodness they did the mammo on other breast as they found precancerous cells that could have developed any time. Had first Chemo on 20th Jan and felt rubbish with side effects since. Thanks for your lovely words. Sheila

Hi Silver lady. I was also diagnosed with cancer in the left breast with a couple of nodes. Also precancerous cells in right breast. Started Chem on 20 Jan and more positive as tumour is shrinking. It is also a very common cancer thank goodness. Have you started with Chemo or had an op? Let me know how things are going. Best wishes. Sheila x

Hi Michelle, I have had the first Chemo on 20th Jan. Horrific side effects but getting stronger. Thanks for your support. Sheila

Hi Strudel. They found two affected lymph nodes and luckily precancerous cells in other breast. I have started Chemo and been out of it until now. How are things going with you. Sheila