Test results in 9 Days

My wife had a biopsy last Friday. We arrived expecting to be told nothing to worry about. Unfortunately that isn’t how things worked out. On the scans there was quite a large mass in her right breast. This is really worrying. The good news was the doctor said she could find no lumps in the lymph nodes.

What can we expect to happen on decision day if treatment is necessary

Hi 5030berty

It sounds like you and your wife are having a diffiult time at the moment, I see some of the other users have replied to your other thread. As well as the support you have there you might find it helfpul to talk things through with a member of staff on the BCC helpline. Here you can talk through your thoughts and concerns with some one who will offer you a listening ear as well as emotional support and practical information.  The number to call is 0808 800 6000 and lines are open weekdays 9 to 5pm and Saturday 10 to 2pm.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator  

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