Thalidomide (for Spike)

Thalidomide (for Spike)

Thalidomide (for Spike) Hi Spike - had to start new post in reply to yours as dodgy page width not showing reply/profile etc.

A friend of mine with myeloma is being treated at the Royal Marsden in Sutton with Thalidomide in combo with other drugs on the NHS.


Thalidomide Hi Dawn

Thanks for your reply. That’s interesting that it is being used as part of cancer treatment on the NHS. I’d like to speak with my Oncologist again about it and possibly speak with the Marsden. I guess it is to do with this lottery business whereby some Health Authorities fund some drugs whilst other authorities won’t.

I have heard that it could be used as a cheap alternative to Tykerb. Anything is worth a go.

Hi Spike,

I understand that it is being used as part of a combo CDT (cyclophosphamide, dexamethasone & thalidomide) for treating myeloma and there are current trials going on for treating lung cancer. Whether they will go on to trial it for treating other cancers remains to be seen.

Question of watch this space I guess.
