Thank you and diagnosis

Hi all -

Thank you for being such a supportive community. I’m so grateful, as you all lent such great support when I felt so vulnerable.

I do not have cancer but do have some abnormal cells - I have to do an MRI, have surgery to get the abnormal cells removed, and then meet with an oncologist and geneticist for risk management (not sure of the potential treatment, but I’m guessing I’ll find out soon).

I had two masses, rated Birads 4a and 4b.

The 4a mass doesn’t need anything - it’s a fibrocystic change including apocrine metaplasia and sclerosing adenosis.

The 4b mass needs excised - its ADH - focal atypical duct type epithelial hyperplasia. The tissue around it was UDH - usual duct type epithelial hyperplasia, stromal fibrosis, and chronic inflammation suggestive of duct rupture.

Feeling relieved and grateful for early screening and the ability to nip this to remove the risk of it turning into something else.

Also - I did call the clinic b/c I did have some minor cold symptoms. They asked me to get covid and flu screens from my internist - I did and was clear. With that - they just asked me to wear a mask. My symptoms were so minor that they probably would not have said anything, but the idea of making someone sick and going through cancer treatment made me feel pretty sick to my stomach - so thank you to those of you who mentioned checking in first.


I’m glad that you got it done - I wasn’t aware that you could get a rest for flu . Glad also that you now have a diagnosis and a plan and hope everything goes well for you . Xx

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oh yes/ flu test is a simple nose swab.

thanks for your note