Thank you

Had my appointment today and was given the okay. :smiley:
We were so relieved we both shed tears.
Just want to say a huge thank you to everyone on this forum for you kind words and support.
I will be sticking around to do the same. I can’t express how much it helps.
Thank you all again

Hi - I have been following your posts and I am so glad things have worked out well for you.   I like you have been suffering with a lot of breast pain in one breast and nothing was found.  But I am finding it hard to cope with the pain - have you been given any tips?

No. To be fair once they told me it wasn’t anything concerning they pretty much left it.
I’ve looked into it and primrose oil or starflower oil has been suggested. From what I’ve read starflower is the better option if you can get hold of it.
I’m heading into my nearest town tomorrow to get some as, like you say, the pain is really hard to deal with. Although it easier to deal with than the worry it was something sinister.
Holland and Barrett sell it. I believe it’s around £20 for 100 capsules and you need to take 2 or 3 a day xx