I just wanted to say thank you very much for all the support given over the past year, today I received my results of my bone scan, ultrasound and blood tests and they were all clear…I feel it is time to move on now, although I will pop back occasionally…but I want to wish you all the best and remember to keep your chins up even in your darkest hours and support each other as you always do on this site, I couldnt have wished to have chatted to a nicer bunch of people…
Congratulations on your good news - it’s always good to hear of success stories - hope we don’t have hear from you again for a very long time !!! (unless you have words of wisdom to support others!)
It is hard to let go and move on, but I think you have to force yourself, thank you for your kind comments…try to have positive thoughts, remember it is do able,even when you think it isnt, tomorrow is another day, it has been a long rough journey and one I never thought that I could make and continue, but I have and I hope that you and everyone else finds the courage and strength and you will from somewhere to complete your journeys too…