
Thank you all for the replies.  X

Hi pinkprayers and welcome to the BCC forums

I am sure you will the support you are looking for here, please also feel free to call our helpliners for further practical and emotional support, they are on hand weekdays 9-5 and Saturday 10-2, you and your Mum are welcome to call to talk things through

You may both find the following link to the BCC ‘undergoing treatments’ information and support helpful over the coming months and you will find further support ideas for your Mum here too:

Take care
Lucy BCC

Hi pinkprayers sorry your mum has been diagnosed with BC.  Could it be that your mum’s cancer is grade 3 and not stage 3 ?. Grade is how different the cells look under a microscope and depending on this it is graded from 1 to 3. Stage is graded on how big the tumour is and how far it has spread from where it started. From what you have said about your mums i.e. 5.5 cm no spread to lymph nodes it is classed as stage 2b.  I have put a link to the McMillan web site below which gives more information.

There are many on here who are grade 3 and having the same treatment as your mum I hope they come along soon to give you support. It’s all so bloody scary at the beginning trying to take in all the information and the wait for all the results is the worst. I had stage 2 which had spread to my lymph node over 6 years ago and I’m fine at the moment (touch wood). Wishing your mum all the best with her treatment.

Hi Pinkprayers

I am really sorry to hear about your mum’s diagnosis. I totally understand how you feel as my mum was also diagnose with Her2+ BC last summer. It was a such a shock and I think it hit me me harder then it did my mum. I hated waiting for test results as it felt like forever but in reality it wasn’t that long and they usually have work within a time frame.
My mum had chemo first before surgery. Chemo was tough but she got through it. She worked throughout her treatment as she wanted a sense of normality. She is still on Herceptin but she is doing really well at the moment.
I would avoid reading too much things online. I did it and it really scared me. I just kept to the officially website like Macmillan and BCC where I managed to learn a lot about BC which really helped.

Take care and I wish your mum all the best in her next phase of treatment.

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