I am new to the forum, but I would really like to say a big thank you to everyone who contributes to it. I have been feeling really ill again lately, (I was diagnosed in Oct 2006, had lumpectomy, nodes removed, chemo, and radiotherapy, now tamoxifen) and I thought all my aches, pains, mood swings, having periods, not having periods, were all in my head!!! I really thought I was going mental, but obviously there are a lot of you out there who arent sailing through it!!

I have been told on so many occasions “oh you coped so well, I couldnt” but deep down I didnt, and to feel so rough when I should be on the up now is very very upsetting.

Thank you again for making me realise Im not going mad!

Hi Annie

I was dx June 2004. I too had the same things said to me, “you are so brave, you are coping very well, you look so good” etc. It was 2 1/2 years down the line that I felt really ill because of the medication, never in my life have I felt like that. People then said “but you were doing great” - I have found that things get worse before they get better. Feeling on top of the world and being told you have cancer and then feeling like “c**p” and being told you are fine doesn’t quite make sense to me but there we go. You are not going mad, or if you are, join the crazy bunch of us on here, as we have all been there, problem is a lot of us remain crazy and loopy but at least we have a good excuse for the mood swings, temper tantrums and the wailing like a banshee episodes, and the sitting on the floor laughing our heads off for no reason - we all have a ride on this particular roller coaster.

Love K

Hey Annie

You are definately not going mad. I think we all get fed up with hearing o u look so well, o u are coping so well - I think we just get good at putting on a face. Of course we have better times but this is a shit journey we all go through and very very scarey.

This site is life saving really - you get so much support from the other women - I dont know what I would have done without it.

You take care