Has anyone else been sent details of the Ben Nevis Challenge? Anyone considering doing it? It is Saturday 25 or Sunday 26 October - you have to raise at least £450 for BCC and get yourself to and from Glasgow. I could be tempted. I could always put a Cinderella dress over my waterproofs and go in fancy dress.
I had actually metioned doing this to my mates - but think we would do it ourselves - we climbed Benacchie which is in north east scotland while I was getting chemo - and I said - next year Ben Nevis - I would love to do it
Hi Blondie
I have registered to do the challenge but have not had any details yet.I was diagnosed last Oct so it seems like a good way to say “been there done that now climbing a mountain!!” I am doing it on the sunday 26th and am surprised at how many people have said, without me asking, that they will sponsor me. £450 seems like a lot but still.NJot sure about the fancy dress though!! I will lok silly enough in my waterproofs and walking boots.
Might see you at the top of the mountain
Best wishes
hi i.ve registered to do this on the saturday. I have been overwhelmed by the response i have had. Within 24 hours of setting up my just giving page i had raised the 450 - now at 750 and rising ! Hope to meet some of you there ! Margaret x x
Hiya Margaret
It is encouraging to see how kind people are isnt it. It is not going to be any where near as daunting as it seems when I first thought about it. Have you done lots of walking , this is my first serious attempt so I think some people are saying okay safe in the knowledge that I wont make it past a mile!!! Do you have far to travel to scotland
Best wishes
How are you all getting to Scotland? I have looked on the websites and can’t book either Easyjet or a train this early. It is difficult to commit when you don’t know what the cost of getting there are going to be.
hi hilary - i haven’t done any serious walking at al. Plan to start soon- when finished rads - tho i have 3 months of taxotere after that so we’ll see. I’m in scotland already in dumfries and galloway - will drive to glasgow to meet bus. Excuse spelling i’m on mobile phone !
Hello Margaret and Blondie
I will be flying from Southampton but cant book yet so check the Fly be website each week and will hopefully get a cheap flight. How much longer with the Rads Margaret. At least living in scotland you must be used to hills! Where will you be flying from Blondie
Take care both of you
hiya both - another 3 weeks of rads yet - its a flippin nuisance cos i have to live in edinburgh mon - fri while having then cos dumfries dont do rads. But still, all the walking about edinburgh will be good practise !
Hi Blondie
I’ve registered with a work colleague to do the challenge on the Sun. Look forward to seeing everybody. We haven’t really thought about how we will get there. Might even drive. We will be travelling from Kent.
I haven’t taken the plunge yet - would like to get the travel booked before I commit but with limited spaces on the challenge … No doubt I will get it together but I am glad that everyone isn’t like me and has just got on with it. Oh! to be decisive - I didn’t used to be like this!
Hello Everyone
Decided not to fly from Southampton so today I booked British Airways from Gatwick flying up saturday morning and back monday teatime. £87 which is not too bad. I could have got Flybe from Southampton but could not book the return journey until end of June and did not want to wait that long.Cant believe I have actually made a decision!!!
Hope the rads are going okay Margaret, do you have to stay at the hospital
Take care
hi hilary - glad you got it cooked! Rads are going ok - half way through today. I stay at a hostel attached to the hospital mon - fri then go home at weekends - hence i’m on my mobile at the moment !
Hello Margaret
As someone who has got a mobile phone that is 10 years old and does nothing more than text and phone I am impressed that you can internet on yours so dont worry about the spelling!! Hope they lok after you well in the hostel
Best wishes
home for weekend at moment - the hostel is lovely but it’s great to be home!. Got my pack now too! I know just what you mean Sandra about it ‘making it real’ - just the thought of carrying that kit list up the hill, as well as myself, is very worrying lol.
From my hostel room I can see ‘Arthurs Seat’ in Edinburgh (which for the uninitiated is a large ‘hill’ in Edinburgh - I’m looking at it thinking ’ well how much worse can Ben Nevis be?’ - then I read the guide book for Edinburgh which informed me that Arthurs Seat is only 860 ft high - and it looks MASSIVE !!! Then I sat thinking 'oh my god - Ben Nevis is nearly 5 times that height !!! What the H**l have I let myself in for???
I must must must start practising hill climbing lol
Hello everyone
Iwrote a couple of begging letters at the beginning of the week to old friends and a cheque for £50 arrived yesterday so suddenly i am panicking, It seems so real now. Hampshire is lovely but not very hilly so will have to persuade hubby that I need to go and find the few that are around here. The photo in the pack is encouraging though as they are obviously at the top and still look alive!!
Hope you are having a good weekend Margaret do you have to travel back today or tomorrow
Best wishes