Hi everyone
l’m not sure what I’m trying to gain by talking about this on here but I need to talk with people who will have an understanding of how I feel.
I have had neoadujvant chemotherapy. 6 sessions in total, 3 FEC and 3 docetax. I am Her2+ and have so far had 7 of the 18 injections. I had a MX right breast at the beginning of Feb and I have just started my rads. What I am struggling with is that I have had my results from my surgery and they have concluded that the chemotherapy had not worked!! I am utterly devastated and shocked by this news, because the MRI that I had after cycle 3 said there was slight shrinkage and then the final MRI, before surgery, showed there was even more shrinkage. My surgeon after examining me before surgery said that he could not feel the tumour any more!
I am so scared now that the cancer will come back, even though I did not have any lymph node involvement! They did 2 biopsies on one of my lymph nodes and even though they came back negative, they still decided to take it out because they didn’t like the look of it on the MRI. I now feel like I was stripped of all my defences, they found the cancer and instead of cutting it out of me straight away, they took out a good lymph node that had obviously been working really hard and then stripped me of my immune system. I therefore lay there for six months having chemo with no defence at all against the tumour that was still in my body! I feel like it may have spread everywhere now.
I’m finding it hard to think positively, please help.