I am going to the screening clinic on monday for ultrasound and possibly biopsies.
I found a hard lump which is 2.5cm by 3.5cm in my right breast, no pain, so, it could be serious, it could be fibroadonoma (I’m 28)
they advised i would definately be having an ultrasound, but dependant on results may need a biopsy.
I’m concerned with the biopsy part. SHOULD i need further test to determine what the lump is, I would really rather not have a core needle biopsy etc, prefferring an excisional breast biopsy (cut out the whole lump in an operation).
I realise this is the norm for the NHS and there are plently of people who don’t have a problem with this, but there is research to suggest that seedling (the repeative action of needle moving cells around) can spread cells, which if cancerous is them moved to other parts of the tissue.
Is there anyone who shares similar concerns and was able to get an excisional biopsy without knowing whether the lump was cancerous or not? I’m not sure whether i can choose this option or whether i will just be refused treatment and have to look at private (which i can’t afford)
i havent told loved ones about this as don’t want to worry them and hoping that someone else on here is in a similar situation.
Obviously, you will discuss this in the clinic on Monday & hopefully a biopsy will not be necessary if on ultrasound it’s clear what it is. As you say, normal practice is that a biopsy is taken if there is any doubt.
If one is needed, it does give the information required for the team to decide whether further investigation is necessary, eg MRI scan, as well as confirming what it is before starting any invasive treatment, if on the off chance, it is more serious.
The NHS is pretty good at dealing with this, the chances are all will be well anyway & thank goodness you are getting it sorted out.
It maybe an idea to post in the ‘ask our nurses’ section of the forum.
I do understand your concerns and this is how I see it…
If you have a core biopsy you only need a local anaesthetic and there will be no obvious scarring or disfigurement. Statistically most biopsies prove to be benign.
If however cancer cells are found, the area will be surgically removed by either a wide local excision or mastectomy and you would receive either chemotherapy and radiotherapy or radiotherapy alone, both of which are aimed at mopping up any loose cancer cells systemically or within the Breast. Therefore the concern that a core biopsy might have released some cancer cells becomes irrelevant.
This is purely how I see it and I am sure your Consultant will be thorough and address your concerns.