THE END! Hi all you out there who’ve helped me along the way over the last 19 months. - wot a long rollercoaster of a journery it has been.

I have now had my last infusion of Herceptin after lumpectomy, mastectomy, chemo and herceptin and I must say that I did cry buckets when I left hospital on Friday.

The finality of all the treatment/operation/clinica/blood tests and endless canulations had finally got to me.

What a relief to have my life back after 19 months.

Of course I still worry WHAT IF!!! don’t we all but I’m trying not to let it rule my life. I’m so happy not to have to attend hospital every 3 weeks - on my day off too! - that I wept with joy on Friday. Wot a relief - i’m now just on checkup every 6 months with breast surgeon and also oncologist. They;ve both been wonderful and at 41 I intend to start to really enjoy life. Afterall I can’t worry about tomorrow cos I can’t change what will be can I. !!!

Thanks again for all your wonderful support, I’m sure I’ll be on line again when I;m feeling a bit low

Clemy X

me too know exactly how you feel, my last taxotere is friday after lumpectomy, chemo, lymph gland removal, rads, then mast and more chemo. saw b/c cons. today and he doesnt want to see me for 6 months. will see onc friday pre chemo and will be told the same i guess. i too have had 18 months of this and will be glad for it all to be over and life back to normal. good luck with the future and may you remain cancer free

Well done Hi Clemy,

Congratulations on completing your treatments. I wish you all the best in the future.

I just had herceptin no. 8 today. Finish in September. Roll on.

Be happy.

Luv Pam

Hi Clemy

Just wanted to say congratulations and to wish you well on your life now without quite so many hospital appointments. I always celebrate my end of treatment each year as a reminder of how far I have come. Living with “what if” does get easier as time goes by and I really try to live the best day everyday.

Take care and enjoy!

Becks xxx