the NHS

Yes, it is shocking Divvy1,i was shocked too when i first heard about some of these basic things that our soldiers still need, its terrible that some of our soldiers are over there fighting and are not always even getting these basic toiletries, The plea at work always asks us to not forget the women soldiers and sanitary wear also.

Regarding the lack of sanitary items/toiletries for the soldiers, wouldn’t it be a good supportive gesture if some of the big manufacturers of these items sent some over for nothing? It would all be tax deductable and what a good advertising campaign for the companies. Does anyone know how you go about lobbying companies for support? Perhaps they haven’t thought of it?

I contributed at the beginning of this thread because I will always be grateful to the NHS for my treatment. We all know it is not perfect and have some experiences where, either we or members of our families felt let down at times.

I have been following the discussions and have found them extremely interesting and informative, and would like thank all who have posted with their experiences.

I have not yet decided who will be getting my vote, but it will not be the Conservatives. I remember when they were in power the last time only too well. I am not convinced the NHS would be safe in their hands.

The benefit system does need overhauled. It has grown to be an out of control monster, and does not benefit the people it was meant to help. I have people living in my area who have never worked and have no intention of doing so. I have no problem at all with people getting help when and where it is needed, but something needs to be done about people who play the system.

Unfortunately, I think there are going to be big cuts in budgets whoever is in government, which is why bankers and other people receiving massive bonuses, payouts and huge pensions makes me really angry.

Once again, thanks to all for their posts and interesting viewpoints.
Love and take care

Thistle xx

All the support care packages we make up are collected from my OHs work place from a regional coordinator , they are then sent off to afganistan, so we dont have to pay the postage, they give us a list of items that are most wanted/needed and we each individualy fill a shoe box. i think there are a few coordinators across the country for anyone who wants to offer the soldiers support.

thanks msmolly for the other link - although this has now made it even tougher for me, as gave another totally different result! Funny! x

Just done the survey and it brought up a different result than I was expecting! Really made me think about what I REALLY want from my Government. Fascinating and exciting too!

I think I am veering towards a different vote this time as my views have probably changed over the past five years as have the views of my former party. Thanks to everyone on this thread who have helped me think this through collectively rather than in isolation.

Welsh girl

Thanks too for the distraction from my current health issues!!!

wow, i didn’t mean to start a political debate! Am really enjoying reading everyones views, given Gordon Brown’s highlighting the 1 week cancer diagnosis this morning, maybe he’s been having a sneaky look at our forum and realising what people are concerned about.

Tors you certainly unleashed a beast! Thank you!

It always does my cynical old heart good to know that people are engaging with politics.
Nothing depresses me more than apathy and ignorance. Or the “I’m not interested in politics” attitude. Politics is life - it is the amount left in your wage packet at the end of the week and the school you send your kids to and our cancer survival rates and the wars they wage in our name - it is everything.
How can people not care about politics?!
I was always brought up to know that women died and suffered terribly in order for me to have the right to vote. I don’t care who people vote for as long as they just PLEASE get out and vote.

Happy Election everyone! This one looks set to be genuinely exciting!

It certainly has been very interesting to read other peoples opinions on various issues. As you say MSMolly, politics is what life is about and impacts enormously on us all.

Happy voting!!!

Krissy x

The thing I find with politics is that your views can change as you get older because different things are more important to you .
I am speaking , perhaps outof turn as we left the UK over 15 years ago and are now not allowed to vote in UK elections . Perhaps you think this is right . But , consider this . My husband served 22 years in the navy , he has to pay tax on his naval pension in the UK , any other pension ie old age ( state ) pension is taxed in the country where you live . Ok , but we are allowed no say in UK affaires , and , get this . Anyone of us living abroad even though still paying tax on their service pension will NOT be allowed to sign into the UK NHS for three months after returning to the UK .So we would have to take our place behind immigrants .( I worked within the NHS )
Also now pensions are a big issue for me although I do not yet receive one . How any UK government dares to think that the amount they pay as a pension to people who have worked 40 years is sufficient to maintain a decent standard of living is beyond me . Both Spain and France pay their pensioners very much more . On the other hand they are not so keen on paying benefits to all and sundry .
Pensioners seem to be the forgotten people of the UK and I really dread to think what will happen when my two sons reach pensionable age , I don´t think there will be any state pension .
Like you all , the state of the NHS would be important to me if I were still living there , especially if I was living there with BC.Good luck with your votes ladies , I hope you all get what you want and deserve.

Couldnt agree more!!
Its been realy refreshing to have a great debate taking place on here again , and such an important one at that
I expect we will all be back after Thurs to debate the outcome , and i realy hope everyone uses their vote , i too think it will be an exciting one.
Happy Voting everyone!!

Thanks msmolly for the further links, this has been a lot of fun.
thanks Linda for your comments - the work I do honestly feels like a privilege, its not easy but I do love it - and luckily work with people who feel the same. sounds corny but it’s true!
the services you describe in Cornwall just don’t compare to what we have up in the north east and I feel very lucky.
I’ve really enjoyed this thread, its been great to talk about something I’m so interested in with a new bunch of people - we so often end up surrounded by people who think like ourselves (all of whom I love) but this has been really refreshing.
the irony for me is that I can’t even manage to bloomin’ vote this time - the first election I have ever not voted in - because I got told too late to organise a postal vote that I will not be coming out of hosp on Thursday after all. what a bummer.
take care everyone x

Daisyleaf, you can vote by proxy if you are in hospital. Normally, you have to apply 6 working days before an election for a proxy vote, but in your case, you can apply for an emergency proxy vote and one of your family can vote on your behalf. It would be a terrible shame for you to miss out as you are clearly very interested in politics and the election.

Good luck for the hospital visit


Daisyleaf - perhaps if you contact the office of the candidate you intend to vote for and tell them your predicament - they might be able to arrange it all for you.

what good advice - thank you
the candidate came to our wedding, although we haven’t seen her for years, so should be able to make contact.
will do that today
Its a pity that the officer I spoke to at the Council didn’t tell me that - I did ask if there was an alternative to a postal vote, when I realised I’d missed the boat.
thanks Cathy for good wishes for hosp visit, will be glad to get it out of the way and enjoy the summer before I go back to work!
monica x

Oh that’s handy daisyleaf - give her a ring. Good luck at the hospital too!

Hi Monica,
I hope you can get something sorted out for voting on Thurs, it doesnt seem fair that you should miss voting because you will be in hospital, like the other girls said there must be a way round it. Hope you can get something sorted , all the best to you with your hospital visit.
Linda x

Hi Monica,
Hoping you can get your voting right sorted before Thursday.
Best wishes for your op this week too. Do hope it goes as well as planned and you can get back home safely. Looking forward to you posting again telling us you are out of pain and feeling more comfortable.

I always think you are an inspiration! You are always so supportive and positive, to new people especially and yet you’ve endured so much… All my very best wishes to you.

Welsh girl x

Hi all

Monica I do hope you get your vote sorted out for Thurs. I have loved this threat so good to hear everyone’s view and I totally agree with Mmolly - everything is politics and I hope everyone gets out to vote. I hate the way they are trying to say there is not enough money for this and that but there was enough money to give to the bankers to bail them out and as usual the working class will be the ones to pay. The inequality gap is larger today than at any other time since records begtain in 1961. Never mind the ‘benefit cheat’ campaigns. concentrate instead on the millionaire tax dodgers. We live in the 4th richest nation in the world and our NHS should be returned to it’s former glory and the envy of the world. I terrified that if the Tories get in we will loose it completely.

Happy voting girls.

Anne xx

Heck yeah Anne - let’s start focusing on the fat cat bankers and non-doms who manage to weasel their way out of paying tax. It was the City and Wall St that got the planet into this lousy economic mess in the first place with all the sub-prime madness.
Only 2 days to go!!