the NHS

Anne and MSMolly

Spot on once again

Krissy xx

The bankers got away with it because the present government created a system of controls which made it easy for them. Things were much tighter when I worked in the City in the 80s - mid 90s. This is something which must be addressed whoever gets voted in on Thursday. For the record I worked with people who paid huge amounts of tax on their bonuses back then. I worked in a Japanese bank at at one point there was a loophole whereby foreign nationals in the City could be taxed under the system of their own countries if it was better than ours. There was always huge complaint that the Japanese staff were paying far less tax than those of us from the UK as they had very low taxation in the 80s. Thankfully, that loophole was closed by the government before the end of the 80s.

Whilst the present system is in disarray, we still need the City, but like a lot of things it needs an overhaul and better regulation in place.

thanks everyone for good wishes - will be glad to get this out of the way - last lap in a long run.
hopeful of getting to a houseparty at the weekend - small but perfectly formed, with a few good friends.
contacted candidate and hoping to get details of emergency proxy vote stuff in the morning - they have tried, anyway, so we’ll see…
will think of you all on thursday night - aiming to watch as much as I can bear
take care guys - we won’t all be happy with the outcome, but we had a bl**dy good discussion…
monica x

Here is the form for an Emergency Proxy Vote:-

[]( data/assets/electoral_commission_pdf_file/0020/13385/Web-Proxy-Emergency-FINAL_25740-19128 E N S W.pdf)

Ann x

Good luck Monica - hope all goes well and you get your vote.
Look forward to getting you back here after the deed is done!

Here is a link which gives details of all constituency results from the 2005 election. You can check to see if you are in a marginal and if tactical voting will be of any use. Annoyingly it has no search function so you just have to wade through it.

You can search for marginal seats on this BBC site under Battlegrounds:-

Ann x

Like your post cherub - the rich always find loopholes and get away with not paying taxes - not like us. Since the government have bailed the banks out with our money why not nationalist them - we own the largest shares of them now. Then they could be run for the benefit of the people - not the fat cats who cocked the whole thing up in the first place and are still being paid gross bonuses for their errors. Plenty of money for the NHS there.

Anne x

The financial crisis we have had came about initially because of America’s irresponsible lending which highlighted weaknesses across the board and because alot of the worlds economies are intertwined, this has inevitably led to a domino effect.

Non Dom Lord Ashcroft. The billionaire who moved abroad to avoid paying UK taxes pours millions into the Conservative party in the hope of getting them into power because one of the stated aims of Cameron and his mob is to look after the few wealthy people by giving them inheritance tax concessions. I also know that Trade Unions give money to the Labour Party but at least they live in the UK and pay their taxes.

Totally agree with what you say Kateinthemiddle.

Also if they scrapped the new Trident they would save £97 billion. Weapons of mass destruction before essential services - unbelievable. Unfortunately both Tory and Labour are committed to that waste of money. Just think what that could be spent on instead.


With regard to the UK banks it was no secret that Gordon Brown was still schmoozing with the likes of Sir Fred Goodwin only weeks before all the s*** hit the fan. Another reason why I wouldn’t vote for him and don’t want him as my MP. You always know where you are with Gordon - he was never there when any decisions were made by the cabinet and would like us all to believe that a big boy did everything and ran away :frowning:

Was it not Gordon who, when he was chancellor, caused so many to lose their pensions that they had paid into for years ?

great to see the debate continues! got out of hosp at lunchtime and going to vote tonight with OH.
thanks for all support, was just lovely!
anyone else planning a night of election-watching?
I’m going to have a takeaway supper, a couple of beers (checked with nurses!) and sit with me man and watch what happens.
I have to say, I’m very anxious about the outcome…

So glad you’re able to vote, I would hate not to be able to, although as late as lunchtime today, I was speaking to people who still hadn’t been able to decide how to vote.
I won’t be able to watch much, too tired & got to be up for work, so won’t know till tomorrow what happens.

Monica - terrific that you are home already and can vote!
It is going to be a long night. I just heard on the BBC that turnout is very good - over 70%.

Hi Monica

Glad to hear you are home and hope you enjoy your beers! We are going to have an election party and I am going to see how long we can keep awake. My eighteen year old son has voted for the first time tonight and to be honest, I will be glad when its all over as he has lived, breathed and slept elections for the past weeks. He is so left wing and yet most of his friends are Tories (we live in a real Tory strong hold) but yet they can argue about politics without resorting to being nasty - its really nice to see (wish the politicians would take note!) Anyway, happy voting and may the best man win. (He probably won’t and tomorrow will be a sad day for the UK, but hey ho!)

I’m also election watching, we do it at every election and are usually up till 3 or 4am. Thankfully this time we work from home, so no commuting. OH has got some wine for the occasion. Was out and about yesterday and they had the broadcast vans and the lights set up for Gordon Brown’s count tonight. He will be returned as MP, but I think his majority will be reduced.

Great news Monica - voting, home and beer!!

Cathy - great to hear your son and his friends talk about politics - that is so important for the future and we need young people involved.

Will watch as much as I can and think I’ll join you in a couple of beers. It’s going to be nailbiting.

Anne xx

Did you all make it through the night?!

Hello, was up til 6 - great takeaway, no alc (didn’t feel like it). All up in the air still this am, but could be much worse, it ain’t over til all the seats are in
the most fascinating and scary election I can remember
great to be watching it on my own sofa…

I can’t believe that all the results aren’t in yet! How on earth does it take so long in some places?

I’m also amazed to see the wee map of Britain with the results so far…WOW…England is very Blue isn’t it? Scotland is mainly red with the odd orange & yellow…& only one wee blue dude in the borders!

…maybe we are very different after all!!
