the odds!!!

apparently the odds of breast cancer is 1 in 9 women…

Can anyone tell me what the odds are to have it again if you have already have BC…?

thank you…

Hi Van,

I asked my surgeon that, and he said everyones chances are different depending on type and size and lymph node involvement, grading and staging etc. Your oncologist will be able to give you figure based on your particular case. They have some kind of computer program that calculates your chance for the next fifteen years or so, i believe the odds of reaccurence rise as time goes by but that is the same for people who haven’e had it before too. My odds are eighty % or better of never having it again, but they told me if i’m in the 80% thats great, if i’m in the 20% odds don’t do me much good.

All you can do is ask for the info and hope for the best.

The odds of BC recurring is different for everone i expect as the risks depends on many factors such as Stage/grade/type ect though my oncoligist tells me that the recurrance risk is highest in the first 2 years after DX . I had my 6mth check and mammagram yesterday and was given a leaflet which included this , ive it copied below.

Could my cancer return?
(In studies and research it has been found that the risk of Breast Cancer recurrence is significantly reduced after 5 years.It is never possible to say that you are “cured” of breast cancer. The more time that passes without problems, the less likely it is that your cancer will return. )

Of course some people do get recurrences 5/10/ even 20 yrs later but the more time that passes the less likely is the risk . Oncologists often use a computer program called Adjuvent online to calculate risk/prognosis and treatments.
Guess all we can do is hope for the best.
All the best to you

Hi everyone

I was pretty much told the same. I had DCIS in 2005 which I was told is the best one (if any) to get and that I would probably go on to live a normal life cancer free but in December 2009 I was diagnosed with Lobular Invasive and had mastectomy etc etc. I recently asked my bcn and she said that everyone is different and they don’t like to pigeon hole people. What does seem to come through from statistics is that the longer the period people go cancer free the less likely it is to recur but to be honest I’m not so sure.

Take care

Krissy xx