The old lady is back …

We’re so sorry for your loss @nannabee, and sending you so much love :heart:

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So sorry for your loss nannabee

Sending love to you and your family

Take care

We are all here for you if you need us


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Nannabee :heart:so sorry to hear of the loss of your brother :pray:sending love and prayers to all your family :two_hearts::two_hearts:Shi xx

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Hugs @nannabee :people_hugging:

Life in all its shades brings us joy some days, and sadness on other days

It can feel like tsunami at times and I’m sure you are all over the place but know that we are holding you tightly and with huge amounts of love :heart:

Take care xx

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So sorry to read this. You have certainly had a tough time. Thinking of you x

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Thinking of you, at this sad time. One day at a time at the moment.

Love and hugs to you Tili :pray::rainbow::pray::rainbow:

How amazing of you to bounce so positively from all of this - I had a recent scare during radiotherapy when my lymph nodes swelled up (prior to right BC diagnosis in August 2024, I had ‘idiopathic lymphodenopathy’ - swollen nodes & we don’t know (or care!) why, for about 4yrs…so we know they are very reactive) - was benign, thank God, but I was near flipping hysterical with worry til the FNB results were in!

I know what you mean about being considered hysterical or a hypochondriac though… First with the lymphodenopathy (which was triggered by a bout of pneumonia I didn’t know I had, because who goes to the GP with a chest cold?!), then with side effects of BC treatments, I have learned that eye-rolling medical misogyny is absolutely RIFE. Even the female staff in the departments are indoctrinated to believe you’ll all be making a fuss about nothing really! They mostly haven’t ever experienced the treatments, so just believe it’s really not like you say it is & you’ll ‘go back to normal’. If there’s not a really obvious & visible problem then you’re told you can’t really see or feel what you can see or feel in your own body - you just think you can, because you’re ‘overly’ anxious (which is, of course, noted like it’s an ‘odd’ & troublesome response to a disease possibly threatening your life).
The whole NHS then ignores you until you stop talking about whatever they can’t immediately & obviously identify - you’re told to tell your team about side effects so they can be addressed early, & you tell…& it’s tumbleweeds, like you never spoke, & nothing is done.
And yes, those brilliant staff who do actually act & investigate & dig a little deeper to try to address things, are hard to find & you have to be tough, & persistent, & your own strong advocate all the way!
Glad you finally found someone to listen & give you answers about your lung issues - knowledge is power, & then you can do the very best for yourself with the information. Xx


I’m so sorry about your brother @nannabee and sending lots of love xx


I took some time out and am trying to catch up today. Firstly thank you everybody who has left me a comment or a heart, I appreciate each and every one of them. The dreaded cough has at last cleared and I’m ready to get myself back into some exercise. Just need to give myself a really big kick.

My brother’s funeral is on Wednesday and I know he would tell me to pull myself together. We are keeping the funeral as immediate family only and very private and then will hold some sort of memorial in the summer. He knew a lot of people in the City in business and in his beloved golfing and if we had left the funeral open to all it would have been way too big and somehow more impersonal - does that make sense. This way we can say our goodbyes to him as we want without having to be polite and pleasant to people we hardly know. Sounds a bit rude but I’m sure you all know what I mean. Just want it to be one last family get together with him.

So now going to try and catch up on all the threads here and I’m back around. Love to you all and prayers for good healing for everybody xx


Lovely message Nannabee, wishing you a peaceful day on Wednesday with the sun shining on you.

Much love Tili :pray::rainbow::pray::rainbow: