The old lady is back …

Firstly apologies for going quiet - after a rough 15 months it’s been a lot to digest recently. As most of you know 15 months ago I was diagnosed with early IDC (right breast) and BCC (skin cancer on back). treatment for both was straightforward and relatively easy and successful- thankfully. Fast forward to early October and a mass was found on a CT scan. Scan was for respiratory problems I’d had for several years. It all moved quickly then and mid December the mass was removed in BARTs and I was told it was almost certainly cancer number 3. Results back this week and yes it was Thymoma but surgeon is convinced he removed everything just need to wait for MDT meeting to decide on going treatment. Surgeon thinks it will be six monthly scans and not chemo. Fingers crossed on that one.

So here I am fifteen months later, 3 different types of cancer and all gone relatively easily, I am so blessed and I know this next bit might sound funny but I’m including it in the blessings. For the past 7 or 8 years I’ve had from time to time horrendous dry coughs that last 3 or 4 months. By the time you get referred to a specialist and actually see someone the cough has of course disappeared and I’ve been told it’s just a cough or I’m imagining it even been called a hypochondriac. This summer a new doctor decided to look further hence the ct scan that started this all off. It revealed I have interstitial lung disease and the coughs are bouts of interstitial pneumonia. So I can cross hypochondria off my list of ailments :rofl:. Now if this current bout of it would just do one and clear off I could start the celebrations.

If you’ve bothered to read all of this thank you and it does go to prove not all “bad news” turns out to be as bad or as hard as we think. My treatments have all been easy and successful and my wish for you all is that yours is the same. Sending you all love, blessings and easy days xxxx


I don’t know how you’ve done it! If I hear the words ‘it’s cancer’ again I think they’ll have to cart me off to a padded room.

Good to hear they’ve finally got to the root of the lung issue. Best wishes :blush::blush::blush:


Thank you, I’ve been reading your posts (I wasn’t completely awol) and mentally wishing you well. At nearly 79 I have become a tough old biddy xx



Good to see your back was only thinking about you yesterday and how you are doing.

Not the news you wanted to hear but I guess a relief you have finally got to the bottom of it all.

Please keep us all updated how your going, we all follow and care

Sending you hugs


You are an amazing lady @nannabee and it’s great to hear from you and that you’re ok. Hope your cough gets better xx


@nannabee you’ve been through the ringer! But you are so positive which can give others hope.

Fingers crossed the MDT come back and say just scans and no chemo :crossed_fingers:t2:

You are right about feeling like a hypochondriac, some doctors will offer scans and look further, others just put you off. Sometimes I think we are our best advocate and if it doesn’t feel right we need to push for checks.

Take care :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Ho @nannabee
Was only thinking this morning on my outing with our hound how you were and then spookily you are here and sounding so very positive and thats beautiful

Whatever comes next you will take a breath and then take it in your stride

I wish you all the greatest of blessings and best wishes for your next consultation and know that everyone is thinking of you

Take care xx


Dear Nannabee,

Firstly no need to apologise, we are all so pleased to have you back.

You have been through the mill, take one day at a time, with some lovely well deserved treats, nice walks and lots of fun with your grandchildren.

Wishing you well, health and happiness going forward.

With the biggest hugs BRAVE LADY Tili :pray::rainbow::pray::rainbow:


Dear @nannabee you’re living proof that they can’t keep a good one down. So pleased that the recent treatment has worked and wishing you a positive consultation. And you’re back to give us the benefit of your wisdom and experience. I’m being investigated for rectal cancer and have surgery in the middle of February so will “be more Nannabee”.

And @sharlou no they wouldn’t, love. You’ve definitely made of the right stuff. Anyway, let’s hope it’s never put to the test.


:heart:Nannabee :heart: you are amazing and you are our kick ass Nannabee :heart::muscle::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


I grew up an only( not lonely) child. I now have sisters, the strongest sisters in the world. Love you all Your stories, your support and your strength keep me putting one foot in front of the other every day thank you


Dear Meme1,

Welcome to the forum, what a lovely new sister we all have, wishing you happiness going forward.

We are all here for you, with love and support

Hugs Tili :pray::rainbow::pray::rainbow:

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Thanks for sharing. I hope the Thymoma is easily treated. How are “scans” treatment?
Are you on hormone blockers after your Breast Cancer diagnosis? It sounds like you are sailing through treatment. Best wishes and keep us posted.

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The scans are to check that the tumour is not growing back. The team have to decide if I should also have any chemotherapy but that’s not likely.

Yes I am on Letrozole for 5/10years after the breast cancer Just realised if they go for the whole 10 years I’ll be almost 90 :thinking::smiling_face:


Thank you everyone for your kind comments and support, it’s all very much appreciated. I’m doing well and starting to get my old self back but not rushing anything

Sadly though my 84year old brother had a massive stroke yesterday and things don’t look good. Right now I’d say life’s a bitch.

Sending you all a big hug and better days xxx


Nannabee :pray:for your brother so sorry to hear that news. Sending you all :heart::pray::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


I’ve just been diagnosed with Basal Cell but it’s in the genital area (extremely rare) My gynae consultant wanted to do a CT scan as a precautionary measure. This sent me into total meltdown thinking that mets will be discovered (from my 2 bouts with BC)
I’m now having constant anxiety about the results. I’m on holiday and will get them when I get back (they did offer to ring me with the results whilst I’m away but I said No Thanks!) if it was bad news I’d just want to fly home immediately.
I don’t think I’ll ever really get rid of the fear of recurrence / spread. I’ve been living with this for almost 30 years! :cry: x


@Hevs I’m sorry you have been diagnosed with basal cell and now are waiting for scan results.

As you are away on holiday, make the most of it, do things that make you happy and enjoy your time. It’s not easy I know, but the results will arrive when you come back. When I was diagnosed with BC in 2023, I said the doctor could call me on holiday, i wish i had said no. We had just sat down to eat when the call came through and it felt odd talking about my treatment plan with others laughing and joking around me. My food went cold and i had also lost my appetite. I wish I had just enjoyed my holiday and worried about the results when i got back.

Take care :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you @Shi sadly he passed away last Wednesday. At the moment I’m a bit lost and for now I’m meaning to answer posts and then completely forgetting what I was doing.

For now my love to everyone xx


I’m so sorry @nannabee somethings just get too much all at once. Condolences to you and the family.

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