The Opie Report

The Opie Report

The Opie Report anybody heard of this. I think he is/was at the University of Bristol or The University of the West of England. I believe it is about the emotional impact of cancer - possibly emotional stages. I f anyone can give me any info on how to get a copy I would be grateful

Celeste x

Celeste - found these bits but not sure it’s what you were looking for - Have you any other info about ‘Opie’ e.g initial / date of report / where you heard about it?? Can access extensive health search engines through my work, so happy to look again if you can find any other info to go on -

this came from UWE website:
"UWE researcher seeks women for breast cancer study
Issue date: 13/02/2006

A researcher from the University of the West of England is seeking women who have been diagnosed with pre-invasive breast cancer to take part in a UK wide study. Fiona Kennedy is working in partnership with Breast Cancer Campaign to explore the psychosocial affect of being diagnosed with pre invasive breast cancer. …

BCC is calling on women throughout the UK who have been diagnosed with DCIS to take part in a confidential interview (either in person or over the phone) to explore their experiences. For more information about the study or details on how to take part please visit or call the lead researcher Fiona Kennedy on 0117 3281890"

OR: Macmillan Cancer Care are looking at this area:

"Cancer sufferers call for emotional research (03.10.05)
Cancer patients have spoken out about the need for increased research into the issues surrounding the disease other than scientific and medical factors.

A nationwide study carried out by cancer charity Macmillan asked people affected by cancer what the issues were that they see as a day-to-day priority, and it found that the practical, social and emotional factors of the disease were often most important.

The study collected the opinions of 105 cancer patients from a range of ethnic backgrounds and age groups, and at varying stages of treatment.

The Macmillan Listening Study found that the most important factor in need of research in the eyes of sufferers was, “the impact cancer has on life, and how to live with cancer and related support issues”. "

Also - NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - "The long-term emotional impact of breast cancer may be greater for young women, new research suggests.

The study of nearly 600 breast cancer survivors found that several years after diagnosis, women who developed the disease in their 20s or early 30s reported poorer emotional well-being than did older women. These younger women were also more likely to say they lacked energy, according to findings published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. …

the study shows that if a woman feels long-term emotional effects, it’s normal and she’s “not alone,” lead author Dr. Patricia A. Ganz told Reuters Health.

“This is really the largest study to look at this in a comprehensive way,” Ganz said.

SOURCE: Journal of Clinical Oncology, November 15, 2003. "

OR - "At the Cancer Research UK Psychosocial Oncology Group at St Thomas’ Hospital, Professor Amanda Ramirez is evaluating the emotional and social effects of having breast cancer.

They are also looking at the emotional impact of genetic testing for breast cancer risk and the factors influencing its uptake. "

All these a cut-and-paste pieces from various websites. Seems that there’s a fair bit of research into the area - let me know if you want links, etc - hope something is helpful
