The practicalities of it all

Many thanks.

I have the isotope injection on Monday, will I be alright to get myself to the hospital and back?

You all mention the bcn, I saw a lady when they told me I had cancer last thur but I have no idea when I will see her again. Do you all phone them?

I have a tiny chest, but for my operation they said they would take the lump and do some reconstruction. I didn’t get any more detail do you know what could happen? I have read regarding possible other bits of the body being used, implants but neither of these were mentioned.

Best wishes

yes you will be able to drive after the isotope injection it is just like a bee sting and does not hurt afterwards. It is normal to see your BCN at all appointments. Hunt through the bits and peices of paper they gave you and i bet there is one with telephone numbers on and one will be a direct line to the breast care team.

I dont know about reconstruction, again, best to ask your BCN.

Following on about my visit to my GP.

I made the appt mainly to touch base with my doctor and the surgery while I didn’t have any problems.

He is a very good GP that I have a lot of confidence in and both he and I were glad that I had gone and he is going to ensure that a note is put on my records so that I will get immediate help and/or appt if I need it during my treatment and recovery periods.

He also went over some of what I have been told and explained everything I wasn’t totally sure of in easy to understand language!!

All in all a very worthwhile trip for me.


hi to all you ladies out there just found this site and read your comments .what a help it is to know you ladies are out there .was told 3wks ago .they found early stages of cancer had op 4 days ago .got to go back in 10 days for results .been told will be haveing radio therpy .would like your fed back on any side effects .thanks ruthg