The Quest trial B


Just been Dx in the last week or so having a MX and axillary lymph removal told yest 6th Jan for op but about recon and would like to know if anyone else has been on the Quest trial.

I know its a personal and optional choice for everyone, just not sure which or what i should do.

Still processing all info and in discussions but would love to hear from someone who has actually been through recon and reasons for choosing or why you had it or not


Just posted on your other thread…

Hi there, I had a skin sparing mastectomy and immediate LD reconstruction (no implant) back in February of this year, so before the Quest trail began (which is about quality of life, so feelings type stuff, not new surgery techniques).

Basically the LD recon was the only option suitable - I was too slim for DIEP and my surgeons won’t use implants before rads (other places/surgeons will). Essentially my choices were immediate LD or delayed LD or nothing, so I opted to get all the surgery over at once.

I love my recon, it has a natural shape although firmer than the ‘real’ breast and a bit smaller (was DD now C on that side) and waking up to find I looked pretty much normal - still had cleavage! - was wonderful.

I’m not entirely sure if the question is should you join the trial or have the LD flap. If the latter and you have other questions, feel free to PM me… Ten months on I’m on a waiting list for (optional) symmetry surgery and pretty much back to normal.

Hi Bicardicat

You may have had a look at the BCC reconstruction publication already but posting a link to it just in case you haven’t had a copy:

Our helpliners are back Wednesday 28th if you feel it would help to talk things through

Best wishes