The role of nutrition in coping with radiotherapy

I have just found a most interesting article about nutrition and radiotherapy. To read it google for:

The role of nutrition in coping with radiotherapy

It should take you to internethealthlibrary dot com

a small excerpt from the article which refers to UK based research amongst others:

"The evidence from a research study at the Department of Surgery, University of Aberdeen, UK (3) came to the same conclusion but was more specific in its recommendations. According to the report, it is particularly important to ensure that the patients’ nutritional needs are considered and nutritional support given throughout the treatment period, and for at least 10 days, to effectively reduce morbidity and mortality rates. The report acknowledged that specific nutrients (eg. amino-acids and essential fatty acids) improve the bodies own anti-cancer defence mechanisms as well as control nitrogen metabolism and tumour growth. Arginine (one of the essential amino-acids) and all of the essential fatty acids have been shown to stimulate anti-tumour defence mechanisms in the body and some also inhibit tumour cell metabolism. Diet and nutrition say the researchers, “offer exciting possibilities for the innovative management of malignant disease”.

I find this fascinating because I have been actively eating natural sources of Arginine (home made chicken stock) and a protein rich diet since I was diagnosed as my Mum insisted that I build myself up for treatment and I have coped very well with the chemo so far so thought it’s time to start preparing for the radio part of treatment which led me to this.

I also took an omega supplement prior to surgery. Under onc’s instructions I have stopped all supplements during chemo but will be rebuilding ASAP afterwards.

Hope this helps others too.


Hi angie

thanks for this

I had a look and I had to laugh as it talks about people having bowel problems with all our treatment and right now I can honestly say that mine have never ever worked better!!!

As I am not a scientist is there any chnace you could give us quick list of what it is we are supposed to be eating ?

I know about the chicken soup … what else?

FB xx

Below is from Wikipedia:

I’d stay away from shellfish though. Does explain why I’ve been woolfing hummus though. Brazil nuts again… yeah OK so they are a super food :slight_smile:

Dietary Sources

Arginine is a nonessential amino acid, meaning it can be manufactured by the human body, and does not need to be obtained directly through the diet. The biosynthetic pathway however does not produce sufficient arginine, and some must still be consumed through diet. Individuals who have poor nutrition or certain physical conditions may be advised to increase their intake of foods containing arginine. Arginine is found in a wide variety of foods, including[2]:

* Animal sources: dairy products (e.g. cottage cheese, ricotta, milk, yogurt, whey protein drinks), beef, pork (e.g. bacon, ham), poultry (e.g. chicken and turkey light meat), wild game (e.g. pheasant, quail), seafood (e.g. halibut, lobster, salmon, shrimp, snails, tuna in water)
* Vegan sources: wheat germ and flour, buckwheat, granola, oatmeal, nuts (coconut, pecans, cashews, walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, hazel nuts, pine nuts, peanuts), seeds (pumpkin, sesame, sunflower), chick peas, cooked soybeans

thanks angie

Crispy… not suprised you struggled at the trials… it was so bad they cancelled it on the Sunday. First time in 35 years apparently.

I insanely did up a campervan with OH after surgery while waiting for onc appt, knew chemo was on the cards and wanted a getaway vehicle. like scooby doo it’s the mystery machine. Made it to Kirkudbright and Seatoller in it, needs MOT now but then there will be more espaces. We’ve decided that our honeymoon is going to be to the cold depths of Norway, I love my cosy clothes. As they say no such thing as bad weather just inappropriate clothing.

Hope the painting in shap goes well. Going shopping Keswick tomorrow to get some new boots as my 6 year old KSB’s have finally developed a leak. I’m thinking I might just buy a pair of wellies actually :wink:

Glad you’re getting your health back, albeit slowly.