The Royal Marsden - London

Hi Ladies,

Just wondered if any of you are having treatment at The Royal Marsden Hospital?

Love to all

Jen x x x x


I had my treatment there, but at the Sutton branch

Julia xx

I’m having treatment at the Marsden in Sutton.


Hi Jen,

I am under both branches, Plastic team - Fulham Road, Breast and Lymphoedema team at Sutton.

Maggie xxx

I’m also at the Sutton Marsden. Have had the odd treatment at the London Branch.


Hi Jen,

I have been having treatment at the Marsden, Sutton for the last 5 years, firstly for primary bc then for secondary bc in my lung, I have found them marvellous. I am awaiting a letter at the moment to go to the London branch for possible cyberknife treatment, I will find out if it is going to be both beneficial and suitable for me. I consider myself very lucky to be under such a wonderful hospital.


Hi Jen
I am being treated at The Marsden in Fulham- surgery there in December and now halfway through chemo with rads to follow afterwards. I’m happy with the care and people there.

Thanks for all your comments ladies, seems like alot of you are at the Sutton branch. Mum is being treated at London South Kensington and wondered if anyone else was.

We are there every week at the moment but hopefully all being well after the Tumour Assesment on the 14th April will drop down to once every three weeks

Love to all you ladies

x x x x