The Sun!!

Can anybody please tell me…

I know when i went on hol last year and just had finished rads i couldnt let the sun get to rads area, does anybody else know if this is still the case a year later??

Forgot to ask consultant last week at appointment and am goin abroad next Sunday.

Allison xx

HI Allison - I am now down to the last two weeks of radiotherapy. I have been told in no uncertain terms that the area that has received radiotherapy will remain extremely sensitive to the sun for ever more. The effect of the radiation rays is cumulative, and if you are exposed to the sun you are likely to get an extreme reaction in terms of sunburn. So sun block, or very high factor cream, and a hat seems to be the message! Hope that you have a fabulous holiday. Sarah xx

Hiya Sarah

Thanks for that, i just wasnt sure, bit thick lol!!!

Last year i totally covered the area up, i just though this year i could wear a bikini and do as you said apply a high factor sun block.

This is my honeymoon and i am soooo looking forward to it, i hope as you say it will be fabulous…

Thanks again
Allison xxx

Hi Allison

I had rads 4 years ago and was told not to expose that area for 12 months and to use factor 15 suncream! Very low factor in my opinion as I use at least that strength all over. I went on hols to Greece that year and used a very high factor (30, maybe 40+) on the exposed area and had no problems. Must say I haven’t taken any special care since then as I wasn’t told to but I do always use higher than factor 15. Have never had any more reaction there than anywhere else if this helps.

Have a great hols

Nicky x

Thanks for that Nicky…

Well bikini it is then and plenty high factor sun cream…

Allison xx

Have fun on yur honey moon - I got factor 40 Garnier Sun cream in Superdrug last week for less than a fiver.

Wow thanks for that Lilac … I will definately have a good honeymoon, hope you all keep well.
Allison xx


I went to Greece last year 2 weeks after my last radiotherapy and was real careful, i have been abroad since and use a high factor on the area and have been ok.

So go away on your honeymoon with 30/40 factor and have a FAB time.

Mary xxx