The Telegraph Last Saturday

Just thought I’d post this, the Telegraph last Saturday carried a small piece regarding acupuncture and hot flushes. Seems that there is evidence to show that it can really help with the hot flushes caused by taking Tamoxifen. Anyone tried it? Had any success?

that is so interesting as I have been having acupuncture for menopausal symptoms and high bloodpressure. Most certainly, my night sweats have been reduced. However, I am not on taxoxifen, but knowing what I know about acupuncture, it certainly wouldn’t do any harm. I am so amazed at what it does, I am seriously considering retraining to be an acupuncturist. The chinese philosophy of rebalancing the body and treating us holistically is fascinating and can only do us good as long as the practitioners are bone fide.

Hi Cathy!

That is very cool! No pun intended… How long does it take to train as an acupuncturist? Great that you’ve seen results from the treatment, certainly can’t do any harm. I intend to give it a go! Thanks for responding.



Hi, I have had acupuncture to help with tiredness during chemo (now finished) and have found that my Tamoxifen induced hot flushes are very managable compared to other peoples experience.
Took lots of suppliments during chemo as well and my blood results stayed within the “normal” range during whole cycle of 8 Chemos. Then went on to have 15 rads with NO side effects. needless to say I have continued with supplements !!
Hope this helps to persuade others to try alternatives along side the conventional meds.


Hi Tracy

What supplements did you take. I would be most interested. I have to have chemo and rads.

Starfish x

Hi all,
I did not take any supplements during chemo although I usually do, am back on them now, but my onc says there are so many chemicals in them and different things it not poss to know what could interact witht he chemo. ( Apparently St Johns Wort, stops chemo getting into cells he says) I was well fed up,but did not want to take the risk, although I know alot of people and sites suggest its fine. I juiced alot to get vitamins etc both fruit and veg, drunk carrot juice and loads beetroot juice which is supposed to help clear out your liver of chemo.

I had acupuncture before all chemo to reduce/stop nausea and vomiting I did not have either and was fine through chemo 4EC and 4 Tax, so whether it was acupuncture or not I carried on with it. Periods stopped with first chemo and have a few hot flushes at night and I am going on Tamoxifen when I have finished rads, so I am going to have it again to see if it can help with that.

Take care all