the waiting game

Hello to everyone,

I visited my GP a couple of weeks ago after discovering a lump in my left breats. He referred me to the breast clinic and last tuesday I had a mammogram and ultrasound before I saw the consultant. He told me that he found several suspicious areas that he was concerned about and wanted me to have core biopsies. I was numb and came away not sure how I was feeling. My emotions since then have been up and down and I was starting to feel like I was going mad because I didnt even know for sure yet I was feeling so wobbly. Reading the messages on this forum has made me realise I am not going mad and that there are so many ladies who go through the same feelings.Its a wonderful site and the messages posted are so lovely. I just wanted to say am thinking of you all out there going through difficult and emotional times right now. God bless xx

Hi Sharon

Welcome to the Breast Cancer Care discussion forums where I am sure you receive valuable support and information from your fellow forum users.

I can appreicate that you are worried and often the waiting for results is one of the most difficult times, please feel free to contact our confidential helpline on 0808 800 6000 for further support, information or even just to talk about your feelings and concerns.

The helpline is open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm and Saturday 9am-2pm.

Best wishes

Breast Cancer Care

Hi Sharon

Sorry you have had to join us on here. BUt you are in good company and will find heaps of support. I take it you have the core biopsies to come yet, hopefully they will be good results.

I am 39 with a 3 yr old daughter and 10 month old son and was dx in July. It is a rollercoaster of emotions believe me, and you will have good days and bad days and some days just wanna curl up and cry all the time. I had a really hard time for the 3 weeks until I started chemo, as was so scared of what was happening with my body and my life actually. Unfortunately I was told 10 days after being dx with bc, that it had spread to my liver, so no mascectomy for me, although was prepared for a double mascectomy, anything to cut the b******s out. I am now half way through my chemo and have been fine on it with no sickness at all, just the hair loss which is hard to deal with.

Whatever you feel like, come on here whether to scream, cry, shout, rave or even laugh. Cos we are all going through same or similar things and help to support each other. You will get through this, and once you start on your treatment plan if you need to, I think it becomes easier.

Let us know what your results are and keeping everything crossed for you that they are good.

Take care

ditto Dawn’s comments

Hi Dawn,

Thank you so much for your lovely words.I am having my core biopsies on 11th October and get the results the 19th.
What a lovely lady you are to be thinking of others when you have your your own emotions to deal with. I feel so humbled and thank you. I hope in some way I can be of support to you so please feel free to rant at me any time. x

Many thanks also to Quisie and Lucy x

Love Sharon x

hi Sharon,
Sorry you had to join us .but this is a wonderfull site and you will gets loads of help and support from all the lovely ladies on here. Good luck on the 11th for your core biopsys and am keeping fingers crossed everything will turn out fine for you.I know the waiting game can be one of the worst parts of all this as the mind can go into overdrive .I was dx on the 19th july and am 47 with 3 children all grown up now and am about to have my 3rd chemo monday like dawn said the hair loss is one of the worst bits for us girls we all have good and bad days but you can garantee there will always be someone on here day or night to talk to and offer advice and support no one is ever alone here. It certainly is an emotional rollercoaster and i find the best way is to deal with things is one step at a time . Do come on here and chat when you want to we are all here for you.
Pleases let us know how you get on.
best wishes and lots of love
Lindiloo x

Hi lindiloo

Thank you so much. I am 45 and have 3 grown up children also. Am also going through a separation after 27 years together with my partner so just a bit wobbly. Compared to what you guys are dealing with and with such strength I feel pathetic however. Thank you for being so lovely

I wish you all the very best

Love Sharon xx

Hi Sharon,

Ditto the other ladies.

Its very understandable that you will have wobblies until you have your results but just log on and you will usually find someone online at the same time. Of course we all will be sending positive thoughts to you.

I think the other ladies will agree with me when we say we see more ladies leaving consultants room with smiles of relief on their faces than those of us who go on to need more care.

Sorry you have your separation happening at the same time, but is there ever a right time?

Good luck for the 11th.


Hi Carol

Many thanks for your lovely words also.

So many wonderful and supportive people on this site xx

Thank you so much

Sharon x

Hi Sharon,

This fine, and hey, your another day closer to the 11th!

Keep in touch.


HI Sharon ,
Dont worry about the having a wobble , i still have them sometimes i think we all do and your definately not pathetic so never think that, i still curl up and have a good cry sometimes ,its so very hard the waiting game but when you know what your dealing with it does help.ill be thinking of you on the 11th try not to worry to much about the core biopsys its very quick and doesnt hurt i had 4 done and they numb the area first .I hope everything turns out fine for you but if not remember we are all here for you and i promise you you will find your strenth and will get through it .
Best Wishes
Lots of Love
Lindiloo x

All the best for your core biopsies on the 11th. I had one done a few weeks ago… the doc took 4 samples from the one lump. Didn’t hurt at the time at-all, just a lot of pressure and I had to remain very still! Not too much pain afterwards either. Just a small bruise left now and healing fine. I got my results two days later and got the all clear. I am hoping you will also get good news. Try not to worry and try to get some rest even if you can’t sleep. I had many sleepless nights whilst waiting.

Pamper yourself too. Hang in there, thinking of you,


Hi Carol

I am just waiting to attend the breast clinic … I found a lump last Thursday evening and went to my GP on Friday who did a fast track referral. I have now got a date of 15 October 2007 and I am worried about what will happen at the clinic.

I thought that if they did any tests you would recieve the results on the day… I cant imagine what your going through but the ladies in are really lovely and will answer any questions that you may have.

Lynne X

Hi lindiloo,

Well its tuesday and only one more day and I will be attending the clinic.Reading the messages makes me realise I am not alone nor am I silly for my emotions.Thank you so much for being so kind

Hi Nanny,

thank you also for your words of encouragement and kindness. Its so difficult to understand until in this position and I know that whatever the outcome I have been lucky to have found such wonderful support on this site x

Many thanks Carol,

I will keep you posted also xx