the waiting game

hi everyone i found this site last friday when surfing the net for information on bc as i had found a lump & just seen the gp, she phone our local bcc for an appoinment which is today, i have tried to stay posetive but it is hard, today is the worst as i feel so sick & scared but glad today is here, i’m sorry to hear how so many of you have suffered, but i found this site a great help as i have read most of the posts & they were of great surport.

good luck to everyone

Hi Tracey

Welcome to the forums, where I am sure that you will receive lots of support and information from your fellow forum members. You may also find our publication helpful to read, it’s called ‘Referral to a breast clinic’, this can be downloaded from the website via the following link: Please also feel free to call our helpline on 0808 800 6000 if you feel it would help to talk things through with someone in confidence. The line is open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-2pm.

Best wishes

Hi traceyt

I just wanted to say good luck and hope alls well. You’re right when you say the sites a great help as I found sometimes you don’t want to tell family and friends but you do need someone to talk to and although none of us will ever meet it does feel like family here.

Sian x

Hi Sian

Thank you the site has been a lifeline for me but only registered today i found it to talk, i am so scared for later & knowing everyone is here to support us all the way it is good to know. my appointment is 3pm & take upto 3hrs but i will let everyone informed when i get home.

once again thank you xxxx

Good luck for today. Hope all is well and you get the all clear.

Good luck for today Tracey - hope all goes well for you. This is a great site for support and advice.

take care

margaret x

i’m thinking of you ,
chrissy x

Hi Tracey
It’s four oclock now and I’ve been sat wondering how you’re getting on… wishing you all the luck in the world

Hi Tracey

Good luck for today thinking of you

Kay x

Hi all

thank you for your support just got in from hospital,
i got the all clear.

Thats great news!!! whoopeeeee!!!

All the best for the future

Kay x

That’s great news Tracey - all the very best to you

Margaret x

Just reading you have got the all clear has made so much more optimistic about my upcoming appt on the 22nd!
Fab news Tracey!
So pleased for you!
x Hayley

Hi Tracey
Great news! I’m dead pleased for you!
My turn on weds… time to get off the rollercoaster too I hope!
Huge hugs

Hi J

Good luck for wednesday, i hope you have the same result as me so that you too can get off that rollercoaster
best of luck & great big hugs

tracey xxxxxxxxxxxx