How does everyone cope with all the waiting? I was diagnosed on 21st October and told I would start chemo in ‘about 3 weeks’. I had a CT scan yesterday, MRI and heart scan are next week. I don’t even have an appointment through to see the chemo doctor yet. This waiting for results is so, so hard.
I’ve developed a small sore on my nipple this week which I’m convinced is cancer coming to the skin. It all feels like swift progression. I’m in pain now and wasn’t when examined originally back in September too. I haven’t been examined since the first appointment, is that normal?!
I thought I might ring the nurses today but I don’t even know what to say, and it’s an answer phone / call back which makes it harder. I just want someone to tell me it will be ok but no one can.
I’m tail-spinning and no amount of talking to my husband, hypothetical talking to people who don’t know the answers, Headspace, or distraction seem to be helping.
Please tell me how you keep your head advice water?