Dear All
Please join us for a series of daily Live Chat’s and talk with one of our nurses as well as others living with secondary breast cancer. These sessions are open to everyone with a secondary breast cancer diagnosis. These are exclusive opportunities to discuss anything and everything you wish about living with secondary breast cancer with others who are also living with that diagnosis. Each day we will be here for you and offering the chance to ask questions and join in discussions about different topics. Please post in this thread if you plan on joining us, or email :
Monday October 12<sup>th</sup> 2-3pm
Side effects & symptom control
Many treatments for secondary breast cancer have side effects that can affect your daily life to varying degrees. For example fatigue, pain and hot flushes, sore hands and feet. In this session we invite you to join our secondary breast care nurse Catherine, and to share ways that you have coped with any side effects and any symptoms you have experienced with other users, as well as find out what, and who, they have found helpful in managing these.
Tuesday October 13<sup>th</sup> 8.30-9.30pm
Open live chat session
An open session covering all topics related to secondary breast cancer The chat will be hosted by Rachel who is a member of our nursing team.
Wednesday October 14<sup>th</sup> 11-12am
Treatments and trials
There are a variety of different treatments for secondary breast cancer, as well as many clinical trials and research studies looking at new ways of treating the disease. This morning you can join our clinical director Emma to share in a discussion with others about any treatments and trials you and they may have experienced or have heard about.
Thursday October 15<sup>th</sup> 10.30-11.30 am
Isolation and uncertainty.
Having a diagnosis of secondary breast cancer can feel isolating. Sharing worries and fears with others who are feeling the same way can help you feel less alone and more in control. Today join Chloe in a safe space where you can talk with others about living with uncertainty, and share techniques and strategies that you’ve found useful or discuss worries you may have.
Friday October 16<sup>th</sup> 1-2 pm
Living day to day with secondary breast cancer
A diagnosis of secondary breast cancer affects every part of your life. Ideas on practical support and tips in dealing with day to day issues are really helpful to share. Whether it’s benefits, childcare, transport to hospital, how others help you out (or not!) or anything that might help make your day easier BCC nurse Jane will be here to join in the chat.
Best wishes
Digital Community Officer