Therapeutic mammaplasty recovery

Hi, I’m having a therapeutic mammaplasty with contralateral reduction next week. I had a large HER2 +ve tumour, with very good response from 6 months of neo-adjuvant chemo (EC + Paclitaxol and Phesgo). I’m just beginning to feel a bit more human again after finishing chemo 4 weeks ago, but now i am nervous about the opration and being incapacitated again. The BCN and a friend have been very helpful about what to expect, but would love to hear from any of you guys about your experiences of recovery, preferably positive ones!


:heart: I had a therapeutic mammoplasty. Rest up allow things to knit back together, be vigilant if anything’s concerning you post op ring your team :heart: do your exercises, you could get some sticky dots tgat you can put up the door frame so you can see your progress :heart: no lifting anything heavy :heart: you’ll be surprised how quick your body will repair :heart:hope that helps a bit. I had a bra with a zip front and racer back from M&S which was comfortable, I went up a size from 36 - 38 to allow for any swelling :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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I had therapeutic mammoplasty 8 weeks ago followed by a cavity shave three weeks ago. Recovery has been a lot easier than I expected! The main thing I struggled with was sleeping on my back for four weeks, but I bought a V-shaped pillow and made sure I was properly supported. I can sleep on my sides now - bliss! The arm exercises are absolutely essential, I thought they were just for recovery from the node removal, but they definitely help with the boob too…I can tell if I haven’t done enough exercises as it starts to feel ‘tight’. (I did the exercises religiously for the first six weeks and then slacked off…I’m back to doing them regularly now, they dont take long and I’m just going to keep up with them for as long as I feel they’re helping). Then just make sure you avoid heavy lifting and repetitive movements etc.

My scar is healing beautifully and I’m starting to get feeling back, even in my nipple area, which I am surprised about! I actually think my mended boob is prettier than my normal boob now :rofl:…they’re a bit lopsided and I may choose to do something about it one day in the future but right now I don’t really care about a bit of wonkiness - it is only a bit and I suspect I see it more than other people would because I’m super self-critical; my husband says you can barely tell.

I was back driving two weeks after my cavity shave and have my full range of arm movement. I wouldn’t say it is completely pain free yet but I dont need to take painkillers (and haven’t for a couple of weeks) and I’m basically back to my normal routine.

Hope this helps put your mind at rest a bit - it 100% wasnt anywhere near as bad as I had imagined it :slight_smile:



I had lumpectomy on left side with therapeutic mammoplasty and reduction on right side at the same time. It was a long operation as a lot of tissue was removed, I was out for 6 hours. Recovery went really well. Drains removed after 5 days, and dressings gradually got less and less. I had a small area that took a while longer to heal so was given antibiotics just in case of infection. I also got a V shaped pillow and kind of wedged myself in position to sleep. It was a relief to be able to sleep on either side. It took around 7 weeks to fully heal. Now having chemo.
Hope this helps.


Thankyou @shi @sharlou and @bigpickle. Your comments have been very encouraging. The BCNs have given me one bra, front fastening and i think will be the right size, i gave another one frpm Cancer Research UK which is nice and soft and one from M and S, but not sure its the right size. I have a couple of heart shaped cushions/pillows for under arms, but the v-shaped pillow sounds like a good idea. Also i shall make sure to do the exercises regularly. Hopefully i’ve done the hard part with chemo first and this will be easier.
@bigpickle hope your chemo goes well.

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I just used aqueous cream post op and got no scarring, just wanted to share if you were looking at creams to use post op, think others might have used bio oil but just wanted to share what worked for me and left me with no scarring :heart: I did put a cotton pad over nipple area that had been saved till the stitches dissolved after applying the cream to just help protect the stitches from catching on anything and for me it just made me feel more confident and comfortable post op :heart: do whatever works for you :heart: we all have our own ways of getting through :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

Thankyou @shi, i hadn’t thought about cream/oil for scars. I’m usually a good healer, but you never know how your bidy is going to react. I’m hoping to have two matching boobs, slightly smaller, but nice and pert! There has to be some positives. :blush::heart:

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You having both done at same time :crossed_fingers: hopefully you are, I didn’t and had the other levelled up last year and still have to go back for more surgery as they left me with a dog ear that they still need to correct :roll_eyes:so I wish I’d had both done at same time​:two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

Yes both at same time, didn’t want to delay to have to face surgery agaon later. Just want to get it over with. Thanks Shi. X

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:heart:glad to hear you are having both done at same time :heart: :two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

Hi everyone, i’ve had my surgery and all went well, sentinel nodes clear so thankfully didnt have to have axillary clearance. Operation took 3 hours, but i did have two surgeons working on me , one for each side. I was in a bit of pain immediately after surgery, bit that soon settled down and i was able to go home same day. Now trussed up with Pico dressing and very supportive bra the hospital gave me. No drains. I found the v shaped pillow comfortsble, so thanks for recommending thst. So now its just taking each day as it comes and seeing how recovery goes.


:heart:wonderful news penny glad alls gone well :heart: take it steady and don’t try to do too much too soon :heart: break exercises down throughout the day if they feel a bit much :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

Glad you’re all done and the nodes were clear! Plenty of rest and recuperation now, look after yourself xx

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Thankyou both @sharlou and @Shi

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