Therapeutic mammoplasty


Hi there…I had this operation in November 2008, and have healed well. Wasn’t nearly as painful as I imagined it would be, and was out of hospital in 4 days (op Friday, home Monday), I had 2 drains in place, but was able to have these removed prior to going home. Nipple was moved about on my good side and now looks like a volcano (BIG!!), so that will probably need to be tweaked, but all in all, my surgeon made a wonderful job of giving me back a pair of very pert boobs.I will have to decide if I want to have a nipple on my cancerous side, but there’s no rush for that.

Thanks for your reply,

Hi there,

I also had this op in July 08 (although had SNB in Feb 08, so it was full node clearance with therapeutic mammoplasty) and was pleased with results. Was only in hospital for around 4 days, up and about with pretty good movement on arm by day 2. Like Narnia, wasn’t as painful as I anticipated. Also had drains in for a few days, but removed before I got home.

Wore a non wired bra 24hrs for several weeks - took various sizes with me as on day 1 had lots of dressings. Swelling goes down after a while too.

Delighted to have kept two breasts, and they’re a decent evenish size, shape and lifted (which was a bonus!). Nipple size reduced on both (to fit new breast size!), but good side is slightly larger … but they weren’t identical before, so not a big deal! All in all pretty pleased with results.

I have healed fine, although the scarring round the nipple on the good side has raised and widened a little, so currently using silicone sheets to try and reduce it. Given its round an already pink nipple, it’s not too obvious.

Like Narnia, I’m happy my surgeon made a wonderful job in the circumstances. Glad I chose this option rather than the straight lumpectomy I was also offered, but then its down to personal choice.

Good luck for your op,

No, they had to remove the nipple on my cancerous side, because that’s where the cancer was growing unfortunately. I can choose to have a new nipple made at any point in the future, no rush, so I’m going to take my time over that one! I was advised to buy amoena bras which would help to give me a good shape and I had to wear them 24/7 for at least 6 weeks.each surgeon has a different preference about post-op bras, so ask yours, or your BCN what they advise.

Thanks to both Narnia and Scotta.