Therapeutic mammoplasty

Hi. I had TM and SNB on 2nd December. I am doing ok so far though the waiting to get path results is stressful. I have to wait until the new year. I am trying to put it to back of my mind for a few weeks.
I have found the postings on this forum sooooo supportive. I was wondering if anyone can share any experiences of TM. I don’t know what will happen next and am trying to take it all one step at a time. I am really interested in finding out realistically how long before surgery to my other breast. How do you cope with “little and large” . Any tips or advice to work through the challenges ahead. Thanks

Hi Kayak Jan, 

I am sure some of our users will be along soon to share their experiences of Therapeutic mammoplasty and offer some support.

In the meantime if you would ever like to talk, you can call oursupport line at 0808 800 6000 who can talk to you about therapeutic mammoplasty and offer a friendly ear.

Best wishes,


Digital Community Assistant