
Hi all, I was wondering where I can purchase a thermometer? They seem to be really expensive.

Hi Caroline,

Good (Christmas) Morning. Boots do a wide range of thermometers the digital ones you stick under your arm are quite inexpensive. Whilst I was undergoing chemo I knew I was going to be using one a lot so I wanted it to be robust and accurate. I think was about £30. It is a stick- in - your ear type
I am using it now as I have flu and high temperatures. When the doc visited me at home the other day he had exactly the same one.
The hospital did tell me they do vary in their accuracy, and I wanted one i could trust. I think it is a good investment.
You will probably get it cheaper online ebay or Amazon.

I was advised, or rather ordered, by the oncologist to buy a cheap digital one from Tesco - “Don’t go buying an expensive one” he said. I can’t remember how much it was but it was very cheap. You can only use it under the tongue or under your arm but it served the purpose for me, although I must admit I would have liked a stick-in-your ear type. xx

I bought a Vicks one from Boots for about 13 quid

I was a bit concerned about the whole temperature thing, wasn’t sure how reliable a really cheap one would be, but didn’t want to spend a ridculous amount of money, either, so this seemed like a reasonable compromise. I like the design and it 's easy to use and seems to be highly accurate!

Thank you for the info! Have a lovely day.

I bought an oral thermometer from Lloyds the chemist for a fiver. It was ok, but later got an in the ear one from Lidl. I paid £8.99 for it, and it was soooo much quicker and easier to use. My only problem was that it was difficult to get the end off with taxotere fingers. I now leave the cap loose in the stand and don’t tighten it up. Works for me. Want back to Lidl on Christmas Eve and they had them at £6.99, so you may be able to get one at this price. It seems to be reasonably accurate.

Have just came away from the table - can not eat - exausted thinking about chemo.

Chemo isn’t nice, but it’s probably not as bad as you think it will be. You won’t get all the side effects, and some people seem to sail through and even manage to carry on working. Try not to let worry spoil your Christmas and New Year.

Hi Margaret/sdfmeg, thank you for the info. I think is is to do with unknown. My anxiety level are at an all time high.

Hiya Caroline,
Chemo really IS doable, try not to fret too much. It’s normal to feel anxious but you will manage ok and others are here to support you.
When are you starting?


Caroline - I bought a digital mouth one for about £5 from chemist, then I dropped it due to chemo fingers and brain, then I bought another, then I dropped it again. It says if you drop them they are no good so I got papraniod it was innacurate. Then I bought an ear one via Argos - got internet deal and picked it up next day. For some reason I have never dropped it. I also worried about infection from the mouth one - how do you keep it clean? I think it cost about £20 with a large additional supply of little plastic covers but it is so much easier and more reassuring. It’s not cheap, but neither is dropping £5 ones then throwing them away. I decided to get the best one I could afford. Worked out well for me as I am now using it for second round of chemo so it was a bargain after all! (how we laughed). Take advantage of the sales and I am sure you could get it much cheaper than I did.

Beware - I bought an ear one for about £25. After 2nd chemo I kept feeling very hot so checked my temperature which read very high, called hospital for advice and advised to go straight to hospital. I wasn’t fit enough to drive myself (I don’t live near the hospital) and had no family or friends living near enough to call at that time of night so they sent one of those transport amublances. However, after some hours at hospital I was told no infection and could go home but there was no transport to get me back so would have to either sleep in waiting room or get taxi. I didn’t feel well enough to sleep on chairs in a hospital waiting room and so took the taxi option - that cost me £40 to get home.

Chemo nurses suggested the ear ones aren’t accurate enough and so I got a cheap under the tongue one from Boots. Whenever I compared the two the ear one often (but not always) read 3 or 4 degress higher than the under the tongue. Basically, the dear one wasted me £65 and a very tiring trip to hospital, an extra cannular and blood tests which has also left me with a permanent, large swelling on the inside of my elbow. All in all, not a good experience. And I then came to the conclusion the hot and cold feeling was probably early onset menopause caused by the chemo.

Just my own experience but I think it worth mentioning. Best of luck.

I bought mine out of the pound shop and it was accurate every time kept one at work and a couple at home.
Its about six months since I finished chemo then had 20 sessions of radiotherapy and I am beginning to put it all behind me
I have had a good xmas with my son and grandson not like last the last one as I had my lumpectomy a week before xmas and was not looking forward to the next year.
Good luck and hope everything goes ok


Hi ladies, thank you for that, i will keep an open mind re thers.

Got three now. One was from Boots, cost about £12. One cost about £1.50 from Aldi and my new one (just in case batteries go on other two) I got from Tesco this morning, cost £4.00. It’s just the same as the other two really.

i was given mine by the hospital when i was given date to start chemo and all the papers and books it was all in my pack
wishing you luck with chemo