Thickened breast tissue and aching pain


I’m a newbie. Lovely to meet all you inspirational ladies. I’m 32 years old with a paternal history of breast cancer (dad’s mum died of BC on her thirties and one of my dads twin sisters as had BC).

Had a nagging ache in my right breast for a few weeks. Been off and knob my pill so just put it down to that and then a BC diagnosis of a collegue at work inspired me to go to docs. The doc said she felt thickened tissue (but did say she thought the left side was similar) and has referred me to breast clinic and I’m awaiting appointment.

I did have an episode of severe itching in the same area a couple of months ago. But it subsided and hasn’t reappeared since. I’ve had terrible headache on and off for a week too. But maybe that’s just worry.

I’m the internal pessimist and serial Googler and I’ve convinced myself that I’ve got IBC. I’m really scared as I’ve got two young boys who are my world. Any words of advice/positivity would be appreciate. Can paternal history affect me? Would the itching have persisted?

I can’t feel that my boob feels any different to the way it always has done.

Thanks in anticipation of your answers,
Becky z

Sorry you have to post on here but here’s hoping your stay will be a short one…in the meantimeDON’T GOOGLE…a lot of the info out there is misleading…plain rubbish or just out of date… stick to proper sites…McMillan and this on are excellent…there are several reasons for changes in breast tissue and most turn out not to be cancer…I’m sure that the breast care team will be along soon enough to give you some numbers but in the meantime you can ring the helpline to get advice…I don’t know anything about paternal lines but I’m sure other ladies on here will…in the meantime…try not to worry…once you get your appointment you will feel better…best wishes M

Hi again

just read your post again…my lump was definite and didn’t feel like my other breast…best wishes

*sorry for terrible spelling- new iPhone!!! X

Hi Becky - you did absolutely the right thing to get it checked out just in case. It’s probably nothing to worry about but you need to be sure for the sake of your boys. Stay off Google and just try to stay busy and positive. Easier said than done I know.