Thickening of inner breast tissue and swollen underarms

Hi guys my name is carol I am 36 years old. For the past year I have had alot of pain in my right breast.
Last year after a scan I was told I had a cyst. But after suffering for nearly a year with the pain I decided to go back by now the pain in my underarms was really bad.
So 8 weeks ago I had another scan then a biopsy, after receiving a letter to say it was a benign tumour but the wanted a mammogram to confirm.
So 3 weeks ago I got mammogram it showed thickening of the inner breast tissue, they have requested another biopsy which has to be done on the 23 Dec.
For the last week the pain in my underarms has been so sore and have been getting really worried so I phoned breast docs receptionist and asked if their was any chance of being seen before my biopsy, she called back and said doc has said I am better waiting on results to see what we are dealing with before seeing me regarding pain.
Has anyone else been through similar really needing advice thanks

Has anyone any advice on how to help with pain thanks


Thanks kess, just keep thinking someone must have had same symptoms at somepoint, it’s so worrying, just keeping myself busy and hopefully results will be here before I know it x

Hi! I have had a sore breast for a few months now. Visited my GP twice last year (the second time he didn’t even examine me) to be told i had tender ribs! So third visit yesterday and he has now refereed me to the breast clinic and should get an appointment in the next 2 weeks. He was very quick to try and shift the blame saying that i had agreed it was rib pain and no replated to my breast! I dont have a specific lump but almost a ‘thickening’ under my nipple and constant pain in my breast area that has got worse. I have a young son and im sick to death with worry. XX

Hi louise glad u are finally getting seen, I got results today everything is benign thankfully. Hopefully everything goes well for u x

Louise can I ask what the end result was as your symptoms sound exactly like mine. I’ve just had an ultrasound a d they don’t seem too worried but I worry I’m not pushing it enough.