thickening of the womb. hysteroscopy and D&C. 100% clear.

hi all. found out over a week ago i had a thickening of the womb. today i had hysteroscpy and d&c under genral. before i left the hospital was told by my gyn that everything is 100% clear and no need for follow up. he is going to inform onc at christies and maybe to change from tamoxifen. just wanted to let you know in case you are going through the same problem. it not has bad as i thought. very light bleeding and very common. good luck to you all if you are waiting on test or treatment. i hope you get the results you want xxx gaynor

That’s great news Gaynor, I’m really pleased for you. I had the ‘pre-op assessment’ today but as yet no date for my hysteroscopy and biopsies… probably in the next 4 weeks (which will be ~6 from the tvu). Encouraging to know you got your results straight away… no idea how things work with my lot as it’s yet another ‘new’ hospital. Go celebrate!

Hi Ladies
Can anyone help me ? Im really having a tough time with the Tamoxifen, up half the night with the flushes, pains in my legs like ive never felt before I walk like a 90 year old ( Im 49 ) im really fed up !! Has anyone tried having their legs massaged to help ? My Onc has said that as Im only 3/8 positive he will try me with the Tamoxifen for 6 months but now has said would rather I be on it for at least 2 years, I cant imagine having these SE,s for 2 years or more, I know I will have to if they say its for the best but any helpful tips to get through it would be most appreciated

Love Janice x

Hi Janice,
I can’t really help but do sympathise, I am struggling with the same SEs on Anastrozole, it is driving me mad,
I have a chillow which does help, also a fan by my bed! the aches and pains are awful, I have an appointment to
see the GP about them next week, my consultant did say they might ease after 6 months to a year! I have only
been on them a couple of months, 5 years seems such along time!!..
I hope someone comes along soon with some helpful advice for you/us!
Take care
Jay X
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great news, Gaynor, i had similar a few years ago. Revcat, good luck with yours! Janice, some women have been prescribed gabapentin for hot flushes (not me though, just reporting what others have said). You might have a word with your GP.
All the best to you all xx