Things are looking up

Hi all

Just wanted to share my good news (as I have always shared the bad!).

Although its not what dad and I want - mum going into a residential home because of dementia - things are as good as they can be cos we got her into our number 1 home!!! - No other home got even close to this one so we are really happy and can see mum being really settled there. Hopefully she will get moved before I have my surgery on 10th!

Also, my critical illness cover paid out - had a feeling they would try to get out of it because of previous lump but they havent. So one good thing to come out of this - will bank most of it in case things go pear shaped in the future since I am a single mum!

Meeting with surgeon on Friday to see what kind of surgery I need to fingers crossed it will be more good news!!

Hope all is as well as it can be for you guys.
Take care all
Hugs and kisses

Great new Fiona,

What a relief this must be to you and your dad. Its a big step to put a parent in care so knowing it is in to the best care possible that must be a huge bonus.

Fingers crossed for the best surgery too!

Take care


Thanks Carol

Have just been reading your thread about all your troubles (sure it was yours??) you must be going mad??

Take care and good luck