Thinking styles and psychological outcomes in those diagnosed with cancer.

**Please read full Participation Description attached**

Research study: Thinking styles and psychological outcomes in those diagnosed with cancer

What is the study? This study aims to investigate the role illness-related rumination (repetitively thinking about an illness and its consequences) has in psychological outcomes in those diagnosed with cancer

Who’s organising it? This study is being led by Sarah Beck, a PhD student from the University of Surrey.

What’s the criteria for taking part? You must be at least 18 years of age and have a current cancer diagnosis. You are not eligible to take part in this study if you are receiving palliative care, have a terminal diagnosis, or are not able to give informed consent.

What do I need to do? If you have any questions or would like to take part in the study, please contact Sarah Beck, PhD student and lead researcher This will involve completing a short online questionnaire (20 minutes) at three time points across six months, which ask you about your illness (both positive and negative), your wellbeing and experience. You can find further information about the study in the participant information sheet attached.

When’s the deadline? The deadline for involvement is 28 February 2021.