Third Recall...5 Months Later!

I’m wondering if anyone else has experienced this and can help put my mind at ease? I had my first ever mammogram in October at the age of 50 as part of the NHS screening programme. It didn’t hurt and I wasn’t too worried. 5 days later I received a recall letter to attend for further tests the following week. Lots of helpful info accompanying the letter…but still, you can’t help but be worried sick. Second set of scans were more painful as it was the right breast they had a concern with, and the area in question was hard to capture as it was very deep, against the chest wall. Anyway, then had an ultrasound and they concluded the white area was just my breast tissue, but confirmed the scans would be reviewed by another professional - but no need to have another scan for 3 years.  A few weeks later got the letter confirming all ok. Now today, I’ve received a letter with an appointment for 3 weeks time.  It states that my images were recently reviewed by an external audit team and as a result it was determined I should be recalled early and assessed in the assessment centre by members of their clinical team. I’m now so worried about it, and wonder if anyone else has experienced similar?? Thank you! 

Hi Shazangel

i think the waiting is the worst I know it was for me. 

I was refered by my gp for nipple discharge and because he felt something in my right breast. My hospital appointment was actually for this Tuesday coming the 12th. Anyway anxiety got the better of me and I just wanted to get it out the way so I went for a mammogram privately which I had 9 days ago. I got my results back saying everything was normal which was a relief. Anyway to be sure I went for a breast exam and ultrasound at a different hospital Friday just gone and the consultant looked over them images from my mammogram and has said he can see a nodule and thickening around it in my left breast so my right one is ok. He’s not to worried and surprisingly neither am I. He will write to me once he’s compared it to my screening mammo from two years ago. In hindsight I wish I had waited for my hospital appointment but this is where I am at now. 

I wish you all the best