This forum is a good place to find

Just want to say to anyone new - this forum really will help.  I keep seeing posts from women like me who came here 


full of questions and despair and confusion and anquish and one by one we have got stuck into our treatments,  become experts in our own diagnoses, and then I see the same women posting positive, confident messages.  And then we are able to pass this on to the  new forummers.

It is a good place to come to, even though none of us ever thought we’d be here. 

Thank you folks


Hi Caroluna, 

Thank you very much for your kind words about the forum.

It is thanks to users, like yourself, that the forum is a supportive and friendly place to be. I am sure some of our users will be along to share their thoughts soon.

If anyone would like to get in touch with the moderators you can reach us at :) 

Best wishes, 
