“This Morning”
“This Morning” Have just heard that the breast cancer patient & her chemo diary are on “This Morning” again today.
Lets hope its a more realistic / accurate account this time.
missed it Missed it, can you give update on what was said !
—this morning —hi all.
i watched this morning and it was mainly about her hair loss,it showed her trying a cold cap,hair coming out in shower,and how she was feeling after chemo session but they did show her having some complementary therapies(accupunture).
i think there playing it safe now bluebell.
missed it! I missed it but logged on to their website to read the diary. I think when you read who her ex-husband is it becomes clear why she is on TV!
Very interesting “Its not what you know…”
I did feel it was more of a realistic & balanced view this week, until the time she was asked…" How do you feel about your forthcoming mastectomy?“.
" Fine”, she replied , very quickly.
Can you really feel fine about losing a breast, I wonder?
put me out of my misery who is her ex husband?
one of the presenters Hi Mole
It’s Paul Ross (Jonathan’s brother) who is a This Morning presenter. Kind of makes sense now…